Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 99

Went to my last management accounting tutorial at nine, which went well. Then I got some coffee to help me stay awake and headed back to the same room since my next class was there as well. I had my laptop with me so, I worked on my essay for about a half hour before class started. It was my last business decision making class and that went fine as well. After that class ended I headed over to the library to continue working on my paper as I had about three hours before my next class. 3:30 rolled around and it was my last management accounting lecture!!!! It was just revision so we worked on mock test questions. Those went well. After class ended I was starving so I headed back to my flat, made some food and then continued working on my essay. I finished it at around ten and then headed out to The Eldon with Brian for a beer. I was exhausted and the Eldon was so crowded that I was not the perkiest of people. After that we headed back to his room to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother (my new favorite show) and then I headed off to bed as I had to make sure I was up and ready to hand my paper in tomorrow. 

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