Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 94

ESSAY COMPLETE! One down and one to go. I just have to revise and do the bibliography for this one and that's it!
So I planned on getting up around ten or so to get started with my day and get things done, but instead I got woken up at nine am by the leaf blowers that were being used right outside my window. Of course! I was a bit annoyed and tried to go back to sleep, but I was to aggravated that I could not, so I got up. Now, the bathroom in our flat has this fan in it and when you turn on the light it makes this loud annoying noise. It is louder than other peoples fans. Everyone else has this silent fan that you really don't even notice and I get stuck with this fan that you can hear all the way down the hallway. Anyway, I pulled the sting to click on the light and the fan made this really scary noise. It sounded like a dying bird. I stood in horror in the corner of the bathroom staring at that fan thinking all these thoughts. I was even scared to go to the bathroom because I was afraid that something dead was going to fall out of the fan right next to me. Needless to say nothing came out and nothing has still come out of the fan and it does not smell like something died in our bathroom (sometimes it does though when someone actually uses it haha) so I have come to the conclusion that it was just the fan making weird noises. Either way it did scare me. After that cheeky bathroom experience, I got ready and headed into town. It was a beautiful day out and I knew I had to do work later so I figure I go out now. I had something to exchange at Primark so that was my first stop. I spent a good amount of time in there, as I got some things for myself and some things for Kim. I then headed over to this shoe store where I purchased a pair of flats since the ones that I took over with me and in horrific shape. Those are getting disposed of before I leave. I browsed around in some other stores and then got tired of the crowds and headed over to Morrison's, not like it is less crowded over there. I picked up what I needed and then headed back to my flat. Once back, I put all my groceries away, made myself tea and a sandwich and got to work on my paper. While working a bee flew into my room and was buzzing around. I captured it in a cup against the window and then threw it out and shut my window a little so that nothing else flies into my room.
I was in the zone for a while and actually did not mind sitting in on this nice day finishing up this essay. At around six I completed my paper! Woohoo! I then changed a class on my schedule for next semester and then started cooking as Brian and the duplicates were coming over for dinner around 7:30. We had chicken and mashed potatoes with carrots. After dinner and cleaning up I folded the rest of my laundry and skyped with Kim and mom before Marieta, Brian and myself headed over to that little fair down the road for a bit. Since we have all been working so hard we figure we have some fun. Valentina was stressing a bit so she just stayed in a continued working. The three of us went on this one spinning ride where you stand up and then it starts to go vertical as it is still spinning. It was fun, but afterwards I was not feeling myself. That is when I remembered why I don't like spinny rides. We then did the bumper cars and it was not as fun as last time. Marieta and I got the defected car. Every time we tried to turn left the wheel would start spinning the other way and then the car would start going backwards into on coming bumper cars. Basically, Marieta and myself got roughed up and I now have a bruise on my knee. Oh, Brian and I went on this little haunted car ride, which lasted for like a minute and was not scary at all. It was more about the suspense aspect and the darkness. Of course I was clinging onto Brian because we heard the previous people scream before us and I had no idea what was going to jump out at me. Nothing happened until the end when the ride was just about over and the guy who let us, jumped out of the darkness near Brian and scared him. He let out a little scream and I just died in laughter. HaHa. After the fair we stopped and picked up some beer to play beer pong. We set up in my kitchen as it was still dirty from a couple of nights before. Luckily, the guys were around and wanted to play so we had some even teams.
When I was heading into the kitchen I heard Luke and Jamie giggling like two little girls and went in to see what they were giggling about. Luke held up these two little stuffed animals. They claimed they were ducks, but they were definitely platypuses. We went back and forth with that for a while. Haha. It was like last night when they were making fish fingers sandwiches. I said fish sticks because that is what I call them at home and of course they made wound me up for that.
Brian, Marieta, and myself started playing as we were waiting for Jamie. I needed to grab something out of my room and headed out of the kitchen to only see Luke's bare ass down the hall. He was getting ready to go in the shower and his towels were in the wash so he was in the hallway messing around with Jamie and Ash in a hand towel. Of course it did not fit all the way around him and the open part was just enough to leave his ass hanging out. I just walked backed into the kitchen and started laughing so hard. It's not I have not seen his butt before, because I usually tend to walk in when he is mooning someone or whatever. Either way, it was just hilarious and we were both laughing. After I finished laughing, I got what I needed from my room and then beer pong continued. The music started going and some other people started to join in on the games. Altogether it was a fun night. After we finished playing, they all headed out and then Brian, Marieta, and myself cleaned up a bit. After that they left and I headed off to bed as tomorrow it is back to work mode.

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