Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 92

So much for the nice sleep, cause I got woken up around two by Ash knocking on the door because he forgot his key. I went back to sleep which was pretty hard cause my throat was killing, but I eventually fell back to sleep. Got up around ten to get some things done and then headed to uni. After class, I came back to the flat to have some lunch and do some work. I was in the zone working on my paper, but I had to go to my last class of the day. Figures that I would be in the zone and then have to go do something. I was planning on working on my paper after class, but of course that went out the window. After class I came back to my room to attempt to work on my paper, but I could not focus. Instead I ate some food, took a shower and got ready to go out. I decided that tonight I was going to have some fun since I have been working on my stuff a lot. It was a good thing I took tonight off because my mates had all the DJ equipment set up in the kitchen, so I would have never gotten anything done anyway. It was one of the guys birthdays we were celebrating. After having some fun in the kitchen we all got taxis and headed over to the club Mint. It is a really small club, but it was nice. The ceiling has all these lights on it and stuff. Of course the music was awesome, but Brian was not such a big fan of it. This was the first time ever that I came across a coed bathroom, or as they call it unisex. Yes, there was one cue (line) that everyone stood on to go into this one big bathroom. I was so confused at first because I thought I was going into the wrong bathroom, but it was unisex. It was really bizarre, but when you got to go you got to go.
At around two, Brian and I left. I could tell that he was not having the best of times since that is not really his type of music, so we left. We got some french fries, had a chat while eating them and then parted ways to head to bed. I planned on sleeping in, but once again that didn't happen.

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