Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 83

Today I was up around eleven and then headed downstairs to the twins to start cooking some food. We planned on doing a picnic lunch in the park if it was nice out again and it was, although it was a bit chilly because of the wind factor. Anyway, we made chicken with peppers, carrots, and string beans. Valentina, Brian and myself walked over to Tesco to pick up some bread and on the walk back this old guy waved at me with this smile on and mouthed, "Hello," but in that seductive kind of way. It was really creepy. ONce we got back we gathered everything together headed over to the park. We found a table by some trees and set up. Of course when we were sitting down eating it was freezing cold because we were kind of in the shade and plus the wind, but it was a nice lunch. Then we laid around on the grass and just enjoyed the sun. After lunch we headed back and watched an episode of Entourage. Then I headed up to my room to shower,  update my blog and upload some photos. You would be surprised how long that actually takes. When I was done doing that it was just about time for dinner and I made myself a salad and then went downstairs to eat with Brian and the twins. After dinner we cleaned up and then I went back upstairs to get some things together for Uni tomorrow. I also, chatted and skyped with Laura and Kim which was nice. After that I headed to bed.

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