Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 87

Got up around 10:30 this morning and had some breakfast. I then put my package together that I was sending home. It was just a bunch of stuff that I don't use/wear anymore. This will give me more room in my suitcase when I leave in May. After that was all sealed up I walked down to the post office to mail it off. After that I browsed around in Primark for some things that I could use to make me look like a homeless person, as I am doing a bar crawl with some people on Saturday and the theme is homeless people, or as they call them here, skanks. I don't know why they call them that, but I just don't think of a homeless person when I hear that. After my Primark adventure I headed over to Morrisons to pick up some things for dinner. Walking back to my flat I ran into Tatiana, who was off to the gym and Morrisons herself. Once back in my flat I put my groceries away and then had some lunch. After lunch I got comfy and sat in my computer to get some more work done. I basically sat there until I could not stare at my screen anymore. I went over to Brian's for an Entourage break as we only had one episode left. After that I came back to my flat and cooked some dinner. Chicken with peppers, and carrots. Once I cleaned up it was back to work. I got a little sidetracked on Facebook and the internet, but who doesn't. I decided that I could not write anymore and watched a movie. I watched Shutter Island, which was ok. I thought it was going to be better, but it was still good. After the movie I snuggled into bed.

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