Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 91

Had uni at one today, so I slept for a bit and then I got ready to head to class. Last class we got on the topic of reese's peanut butter cups and how one girl tried them when she visited the states and loved them. I had some of them left over from the package I got for easter and decided to bring them in and give it to them. Of course, they did not show up to class so I just wound up giving them to whoever was there, which was only like three people due to the fact that this was the last class and the last group was presenting. After class I went to the gym for a workout and then walked back to my flat for some lunch. After lunch I headed back into class for my last lecture and then went over to the library to work on some of my paper. At around seven I headed back to my flat to eat some dinner, shower and work on more of my paper. Then I headed off to bed at a decent time cause I figured I would get a nice sleep to get an early start tomorrow.

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