Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 85

I was up by 7:30 this morning since I had Uni at nine. I started off my day great with Management Accounting. I absolutely hate that class. Leaving class in kind of a bad mood due to that class I headed over to my next class and things began to pick up. After class ended I headed back to my flat for some lunch and get some work done. Then I got ready around three to head back for my last class. I took my gym stuff with me because I figured I would go to the gym after, but that didn't happen. I could not be bothered with the gym so after class I went to Morrison's to pick up groceries for dinner. I decided we were going to have a mexican night so I picked up all the ingredients to make tacos, plus some chips salsa and guacamole. I headed straight the twins and started cooking. Brian was supposed to help me cook, but he thought we were cooking a little later because the twins were supposed to be in a meeting until later, but they got out early. Anyway, I just wound up cooking, which was quick and easy anyway, and Brian was on clean up. Needless to say dinner was delicious. After dinner, the twins went to work on some things and Brian and myself watched some Entourage with beer and wine. Then we headed over to the Eldon for a drink because we have not been in there in so long and plus they renovated it. The Eldon is looking a bit younger these days. After the Eldon we headed over to another pub to meet up with some of Brian's friends form his major. That pub was just about closing so after they finished their drinks they were off to another bar, but I just said my goodbyes and headed to bed.

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