Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 82

Got woken up by the fire alarm. I mean it is nine am and Friday, which is the time that they test the fire alarm every week. I was planning on just going back to sleep, but I could not open my eyes. They were glued together by this gluey material. I blindly felt my way over to my sink and then proceed to pry my eyes open with my hands. When I could finally see my eyes were covered in dried up gook and had sleep all in them. I knew at this point that going to see the doctor was a must! After I cleaned up my eyes, I had some breakfast and registered for my classes for next semester. I got ready and then headed to the doctor. I went to the one that I tried to register at a while back and they said they would have to see me as a private patient, which would cost sixty pounds. The lady then proceeded to tell me that there was a walk in clinic right in town and they would see me there. I was thankful that she told me that otherwise I would have had to pay sixty pounds. I made it to the walk in clinic in town and after filling out all my paperwork the doctor saw me. Apparently, I have infective conjunctivitis. The lady was very helpful and even printed out an information sheet for me. She went over it and told me to buy eye drops. I had to pay twenty-five pounds since I was an overseas patient, but that was a lot better than sixty pounds. After the doctor, I headed to the post office, picked up those eye drops and then to Morrison’s to get groceries since I didn’t have much in the fridge.
Once back in the flat, I put away my groceries, had some lunch and then cleaned. I was in a cleaning room so I washed the dishes, mopped the floor, took out the trash and folded the rest of my clothes. After that I put my eye drops in. For the first two days I have to put a drop in each eye every two hours and for the last three days I have to do it every four hours.
There was knock on my door and it was Brian. He came over to see how I was doing and what they doctor said. He told me he was going to come with me, but he didn’t know what time I was going and plus I still had no minutes on my phone. We then walked to the post office to pick up my package that my mom sent me. Apparently, there is a closer post office that I never knew about. It is like a post office and a little food shop all in one. That is always good to know. Once back in my room, I opened that package. Brian was joking and saying how he loves opening up packages and seeing what is inside. Brian has not received one package yet. He is a little jokester. Not like he needs to receive packages anyway because he usually always gets something in my packages. This time he got Midol. You are probably wondering why in the world he needs Midol. Midol is Brian’s hangover cure. When he wakes up with a hangover he pops two Midol’s and he swears by them. His last bottle ran out and he was all upset so I told mom to put that in my package. He was very thankful, as he was not planning on asking his mom to send him Midol. I don’t think that would have gone over well. Ha-ha. The other things in the package were basically all Easter candy. Twizzlers galore, chocolate bunny, Hershey kisses, peanut butter eggs, jellybeans, and peeps! It was such a wonderful package. I also got a ring in my package. Brain and I then went downstairs to share with the twins, as they love Twizzlers!
After that I got myself together and headed into town to final top-up my phone. I then headed over to the gym for a quick workout and then walked back to my flat to shower and have some dinner. After all that I took a quick nap and then Brain come over to hang out and do some drinking in my room. We basically just chilled and watched surfed the web. We looked at websites, such as People of Wal-Mart and Failblog. We also youtubed videos from the show X Factor, which is the British version of American Idol. Hilarious. After that I got to skype with my friend from home and then went to bed.

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