Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 86

Woke up around eleven, had breakfast, got dressed and went for a run in the park. I came back to take a shower and then put some laundry in. While my laundry was in in did some things around my room and on the computer. Once it was done washing I put everything on the dry cycle and then I packed up all my things to go to the library. I spent about three hours in the library working on one of my essays. Things are coming along slowly, but they are getting there. After I could not focus anymore I headed back to the flat to put my things away in my room and then I went downstairs for dinner. Today, Melody cooked dinner for us since we cooked tacos the other night. She cooked chili and it was delicious. We also had corn bread, which Emily made. There was about ten of us there for dinner, which was nice to switch things up, but I do like it best when the four of us just have dinner. After dinner I lounged around a bit and then headed back upstairs to get some more work done, at least that was the plan. Instead, I wound up hanging out with everyone in Luke's room since I have not seen all of them in a while. Then we headed over to the pub for a drink. I was not in the mood to drink so I just went with them to hang out. We got back around eleven and then I just got ready for bed as for some reason I was really tired. I skyped with mom quick and then off to bed I went.

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