Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 96

Slept pretty well last night. I was not in that much of a mood to do work so I decided to take another walk into town to see if my package was in. I got ready and then stopped down to the twins room to see if any of them wanted to come for a walk with me. Valentina and Melody decided to come with me. It was such a nice day out that we took our time walking. Plus, we all didn't want to do our work. I wore out my new pair of flats to break them in. That was a bad idea because my feet were killing me and I was starting to develop blisters. I had no choice though, so I stuck it out the pain.
We made it to the post office and my package was still not there! Well I guess I will try again on Monday. After that Melody was hungry so we stopped at a little cafe place and she got some lunch. We all sat and chatted for a bit before heading back. It was really nice. When I got back to my room I started working on my management accounting online evaluation quiz thing. It is just practice and does not count towards my grade or anything, but I knew I should do it. The questions were not that bad, but I still have to get a lot of studying in before the real exam in the middle of May. That took me a while to do because the questions have so much work involved that when I finished I was done with work for the day. I made some food and then headed over to Brian's to drink a beer. We wound up watching How I Met Your Mother. I have heard about this show before, but never really had any desire to watch. I have no idea why I never watched it before because it is hilarious. We watched about three episodes and then headed over to the twins place to get them to go out for a drink. They have been working all day and they needed to get out. They got ready and then we headed over to a bar that was down the way from the Eldon. Of course people were dressed up in the bar as they were most likely doing and Otley run. After we got our drinks we sat down and just relaxed and enjoyed each others company. They was this one guy that we noticed who was stumbled back and forth passed the entrance of the room that we were in. I thought he was looking for a friend, but apparently he was just gaining up the courage to sit next to Valentina. After about the fourth time going by the door he stumbled in and sat next to Valentina, but did not say anything for about a minute. He then asked her how she was. She said good and then asked him if he was drunk. His response, "Not at all." After that awkward little convo he got up and left. Then about five minutes later he walked back and was heading over to sit on a stool. As he entered the room he looked at Valentina and called her Isabella as he tripped over the stool and then fell to the floor. So much for him being not drunk. The people who were sitting across the room from us helped him up and then he left the room embarrassed. After he left everyone was laughing and talking about it. The other people thought he was with us, but we told them that we had no idea who he was, which made that situation even funnier. We soon left the bar and then headed back to the twins to make some green beans and garlic bread. Marieta was still hungry and had some left over chicken. Once she got to the bone, she ate it. Yes, she eats bones. Well, not the whole bone. She just bits of the end part of the bone. I have never seen anyone do that. It was bizarre. After that I headed back up to my room to head to bed. At this point it was around two. I was all settled in bed and then I heard Luke, Jamie and Chris come into the flat. Now, this worried me a bit because they had just left to go out about three hours ago and are usually out until like five or six. So I got out of bed and walked into Luke's room to see if everything was ok. Apparently, Jamie was not feeling himself and Luke and Chris came back home with him. I knew something was up with Jamie because I saw him when they were leaving to go out and he did not seem himself. Needless to say I wound up sitting with them until about four and then went to bed. While I was sitting with them I took a big yawn when I was getting tired and Chris said, "You nearly swallowed everyone." I laughed because I have never heard that before. It was quite funny.

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