Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 83

Woke up around 11:30 today and my eyes feel somewhat better. They were not glued shut, but they did have some gook, which I cleaned up. After breakfast Brian and I headed out to play some basketball, as it was such a beautiful day out. We played horse and I lost so I owed him a beer, which he received later on in the day. After basketball I went for a run and then headed back to my room to shower and get dressed as I was supposed to meet up with one of Steph’s friends for lunch. He could not get a hold of Steph, so we just wound up rescheduling. So, I had some lunch here and then skyped with mom, Keith and Cheryl. After that I got ready and met up with Brian and the twins as we were heading out to try some new bars closer to the other side of campus. We had such a fun night together. While we were out we saw a bunch of people dressed up as Mexicans with mustaches and sombreros and the whole nine yards. They had maracas and would all start yell, “aye aye aye!! a-rrrrreeebbaa.” It was so funny I could not stop laughing. We also saw a bunch of people dresses as gypsies and sailors. For some reason everyone likes to get dressed up as a theme and go out. It is very entertaining. I am excited because next weekend is the first weekend we are dressing up to go out. We are doing the Otley Run, which involves twelve different bars and the theme is bums/homeless people. It should be fun. 

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