Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 89

Today was the Otley Run! I was for one of Brian's friends birthday. (name of the pub crawl) I was so excited that I could not wait for it to start. I have heard stories of people who have done it and they say it is a blast. If you remember when I talk about people dressed up in the bars sometimes, well today that was us!
I got up, tested out what I wanted to wear and then went over to Brian's to make our signs. Before I went over I grab some pizza boxes out of the dumpster. Haha. Brian and I both made signs for ourselves. His said, "Need change for the next pub," and mine said, "I'll bet you a pound that you will read this sign." At first I wrote a $1 and then I remembered that I am in England, so I fixed it. After we finished our signs I went back over to my room to get dressed. Turns out that I didn't use anything that I bought yesterday. I am going to return the sweatpants and keep the sweater because I actually like it. I found a sweatshirt lying around in my kitchen which was gross. It had stains and dried up food on it. Basically, it was perfect. So, I wore that sweatshirt, with stockings that I ripped wholes in and a pair of shorts. My hair was all messy with leaves and sticks in it and then I put dirt on my face. I also had a cup for spare change, a plastic bag with recyclable cans in it attached to my shorts and an empty beer can wrapped in a paper bag. We all hung our signs from our necks. Once we were all ready we headed off to the starting pub at three. We met our fellow homeless people or as they call them, skanks, over at the pub. Everyone looked great. The birthday boy looked the best! Plus, he broke his foot last week and had a purple cast on his foot with crutches, which added to his costume. They are not typical crutches that we have at home though. They are the type that go around your wrist and then you have handles to hold. Either way, he looked the best.  Everyone was almost done with their pints so Tatiana and myself just got a half pint, which turned out to be a good idea because by the time we got them we only had like five minutes to drink them before we were off to the next pub. Turns out that is how it was at basically every pub, so I was basically downing half pints at every pub. Towards the end Tatiana and myself just decided that shots would be easier. This morning that did not seem like a such a good idea as I had a bit of a headache. Nothing Advil didn't fix. Anyway, back to the Otley run. Basically it is 18pubs/18 pints in 8 hours. I am glad I stuck with half pints because there was no way I would have made it alive if I did a full pint at each pub. When we got to the third pub more homeless people joined the group and we had about twenty or so homeless people in the group. We were not the only ones dressed up though. We saw other people dressed as 80's people, mexicans again, cavemen and there was a group who all had the same paper cut out face on. OH, the funny thing is, people actually gave us money. At one pub, a guy threw some sort of change and a couple of the people I was with they starting running after it. It was really funny. At some pubs, they were checking ID's and they guy asked me what my address was. I thought it was funny because there I am reciting my New York address in England. At other pubs they would look in my cup and shake my paper bag to see if I had anything in them. I know I look homeless, but I know better not to take a beer into a pub. Anyway, they let me in, but didn't seem to thrilled with me. Whatever. It was funny because we kept out change in out cups and would shake them at people when we walked past them. Talk about being homeless. Oh, at one pub there was an actual homeless person and one of the guys ran down to go sit on the bench and talk to him. We then saw him running across the street and had no idea what happened. Turns out he bought the bum a big bottle of cider. People would read my sign and then would not even give me a pound. Some were clever though. One person said, "I am illiterate. I don't know what that says." Someone even asked me if I was doing this for charity. That would be a good charity event. Needless to say it was an all day event and by the time we got to The Eldon it was about eight and I just about had it. As the day goes on you lose people along the way anyway. The duplicates met us at The Eldon and then then we all went over to one last pub. After the boat pub Brian and I called it a night as we were both wasted and starving. The last time I ate was at one. The four of us walked back towards the flats, got some pizza, and then I went headed to bed. I had such a blast on the Otley Run. Brian's friends are lots of fun.

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