Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 74

Got up around 10:30 this morning and got ready to head to York. While eating breakfast I was on Facebook chatting with a friend. I have not spoken to him in a while and it was nice to catch up for a bit. It made my morning. After that I took a quick shower, had some breakfast, got ready, packed a bag for the night and headed off to the train station. On the walk to the station I saw this lady pick up a cigarette from the street. She then continued to light it and smoke it. Everyone here smokes so much and will do anything for a cigarette. It is gross. I then saw this girl with highlighter pink hair. I mean some people have pink hair, but hers was SO bright. Needless to say my walk to the station was pretty entertaining.
Once at the station I purchased my ticket for 13 pound 50. Then I had about five minutes to get to the train. I asked where the platform was and headed over to the train. I caught the 12:41 train. The trains are quite nice. They have comfy seats and there are tables in certain sections for people who want to eat or put their computers on. It was weird because this was the first time that sitting backwards on a train had bothered me.
I arrived in York around 1:20 and Steph met me on the platform and then she took me into town to show me around. I have been to York before, but it was so much better having someone who lived there show me around because they know the area. We looked around in some shops and then we sat for a cup of coffee. After that we walked around some more. She showed me some gardens, places she used to work and we even went into this museum about York. It was really cool. Steph told me that she has this fear of manikins and I had to go into every room first to let her now if there were some in that room. When there were she would get all freaked and walk very quickly through the room looking in the opposite direction of the manikins. That is the first time I have every heard someone afraid of manikins. After the museum we went and sat over by the river and enjoyed the sun and chatted. After that we stopped by a little deli store where I picked up some chocolates to bring to her parents and Steph got a little snack. She got anchovies. She ate them rite out of the container and it just looked disgusting. It actually made me think of my Grandma as she loves anchovies.
We waited for the bus for about twenty minutes and then it was about another twenty minute ride to her house. During the she pointed out where her friends lived and her old school she went to. Her house is in this cute little village where all the houses are so cute a little. It is a very different setting than home. When we arrived to Steph’s house her parents and her dog greeted me at the door. Her parents were very thankful for the chocolates. Steph then showed me the room I was staying in. I put my stuff down and then we went downstairs for tea. We had tea in the living room area where Steph and I sat on the couch and her dog basically sat on me. Haha. I did not care. I absolutely loved her dog Daisy! It made me miss King a lot, but it was nice to pet Daisy. It was also nice to watch TV. I have not done that in so long. While in the living area I chatted with her parents for a while. They are both very nice. Steph’s dad is really funny.
After tea Steph and I went up stairs for a bit to relax. One of her friends came over because she didn’t know what to wear for the night and she wanted to shop around in Steph's closet. She was very lively. Then her mom called us down for tea. I was confused because we just had tea, but Steph informed me that they sometimes call dinner, tea.
Dinner was delicious. Her mom made homemade lasagna with salad, chips (French fries) and bread. They were joking because she took out the good silverware and she never does that. Even the long stem wine glasses were out. Yes, I had some wine with my dinner and it was probably the first time I had wine with dinner. I must say it was so nice having a home cooked meal.
After dinner Steph and I went upstairs to get ready for the night. Once ready we walked down the block to the bus station and met her friends on the bus. Steph took me around to different places they normally go out and I got to meet some of her friends. They were all very nice. Ian and James were really funny. After the clubbed was closed we all headed back to Ian's house to hang out for a bit and then finally went back to Steph's house. The night was so much fun.

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