Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 79

Emily and everyone else had class today at 10:30. I got up when they did, had some breakfast, and updated some of my blog. Around noon I headed into town to meet up with everyone for lunch. Before I met up with them I looked around in some stores. OH! On my walk into town I saw the cutest thing ever! There was this boy holding a two-day-old baby lamb. The lamb was wearing a diaper was so adorable! After I finished petting the lamb I looked in some shops and then met up with everyone. For lunch, we went to this cute restaurant and I had a ham, cheese and pineapple panini with some chips (French fries). After lunch Emily took me on a hill walk, which was beautiful. The scenery in Ireland is amazing. It looked unreal. After the hill walk, Emily went off to class and I looked around in town a bit longer. I walked back to the cottage and showered. Just as I finished my shower everyone arrived back from class and we had some dinner. After dinner Emily took me to this Irish festival. Apparently, it was a big deal. Each year, the festival is in a different town and this year it was in Dingle so it was very exciting for everyone who lived in Dingle.  It was a lot of Irish music and stuff that I really didn’t understand because I did not have much background, but Emily and everyone else enjoyed it because they have been learning about all this stuff all semester. After the festival we headed back to the cottage and began drinking. I was planning on just staying in with everyone and drink, but apparently the other girls wanted to go out. Emily was not feeling well and did not want to go out and all the girls wanted me to go out with them. Emily felt bad that she was leaving me, but everyone assured her that they would watch out for me. As if I was going to get myself into some kind of trouble. I knew how to get back from town anyway. Either way Emily still felt bad, but she stayed in. I went out with the girls and we had a blast. We wound up hanging out with some of their friends at the pub. Apparently, the one guy was found of me and I not only looked like Celine Dion, but Gwen Stephanie to him. Who knew! He was nice, but a bit socially awkward. Anyway, it was a fun night and I got along great with everyone! They were even talking about coming to visit me in Leeds. Ha-ha. After a couple of drinks we headed back to the cottage and got some sleep.

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