Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 68

Got up around eleven today and then got ready to go to the gym with Marieta once again. After the gym we met up with Brian and Valentina and walked around town so that the twins could hand out their resumes for jobs. Once they finished that we sat down and had some food.
The weather was bizarre today because when I left this morning it was nice out and then while we were eating it was pouring outside and then on our walk home it was cloudy, drizzly, and cold. The weather here is so unpredictable. Once I got back to my room I showered, straightened my hair, ate, took a nap and then got ready to go out.
We had no idea what place we were going to, but we knew we were going out lol. We wound up at this soul/funk bar/club that was more for an older crowd. At first there was basically no one there, but once it started getting later it got really crowded. The place actually reminded me of my parents because it was the type of music that they would listen to. Also, the people who were dancing were very entertaining. The moves of my parents. Haha. We did dance a little, but it was a lot more fun to watch everyone else dancing. Overall, it was a fun night, but I don't think I would go back to that place.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Just about April already Michelle. Can't believe how the time went by so fast. Sounds like you have met a
lot of nice friends and have enjoyed
your time in England. Love your posts.

Happy Easter!