Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 44

Last night was lots of fun. It was the first night I did not go to the Eldon on a Tuesday night. Instead I stayed in with my mates and we played centurion with everyone, and when I say everyone I mean about 20 people, possibly more. All I know is that we had to get another table from another flat and more chairs to fit everyone. Centurion is just another name for power hour except it is an hour and a half instead of an hour. Basically for the game you just take a shot of beer, or drink of choice, every minute. It is quite hard to make it the whole time. I know that I can't do it. 
The game started and at around half way through I had to stop because I just could not drink anymore. Everyone was got rowdy and loud and the UPP (campus police) came in to tell us to quite down. That didn't happen, so he just kicked us all out. The fire alarm got set off anyway so we all left and went over to our friend Tom's flat to continue. I left around 2am as I was tired and needed some food in my system. I had some water and pretzels and skyped with my friend from home and then went to bed. 
I woke up around noon and went into the kitchen to have some cereal. Luke and Jamie were in there eating some food and we wound up chatting about the night before. After that I got ready and went into town. I walked around the shops and got two cute dresses to go out in. After that I went to the gym (I didn't really want to go, but I am glad I did) and then headed home for some dinner. I had some salad and spinach and then took a half hour nap because I could not keep my eyes open any longer. After my nap I went over to Brian’s and we watched Entourage. Brian told me I looked tan, which made me feel good. I am no longer as pale as I was. J After a couple of episodes of entourage I went back to my room and chatted with mom on skype and friends on Facebook. Then I went over to the twins to hang out with them for a bit and then came back and got ready for bed. Tomorrow I have one class and then the weekend begins!

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