Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 69

Got up around eleven had some breakfast and then got dressed to meet up with the twins and Brian downstairs. It was a nice day out so we figured we go for a walk. Brian originally wanted to play basketball, but the twins thought it was to windy for that so we wound up getting coffee and chatting. I was ready to play basketball, but I am sure we will play another day, as the weather is getting nicer. After our walk, we stopped by the hair place to Valentina could get her fringe cut. After that we headed back to and I went upstairs and had some lunch as I had no intention on spending money for food. After that I did some things around my room and showered and such.
Once dinner time came around I went downstairs to the twins because we were all having dinner together again. It's like family dinners. I like it. After dinner I hung around with them for a bit and then headed up to my room to get ready to go out. I got my stuff and then went over to the next building to meet up with everyone in Tom's flat. Luke was dj'ing a house party tonight so thats where we were all going. Some left earlier then others, but the rest of us left around 1am. It was technically midnight, but the clocks got moved ahead an hour so we lost an hour. Everyone got their things and we headed over to the party. There were not that many people there as the last house party they took me too, but it was still fun. I hung out in the kitchen with everyone and danced inside. Luke began dj'ing around 3am and when he was on everyone was inside dancing. It was a lot of fun. Although while dancing some drunk girl stomped on my foot with her heel. I was in pain and so annoyed, but I just danced it off. Haha. It seems that I always get my feet stomped on while I am out. After Luke finished his set I was tired and ready to go home. I found some people who were leaving and the three of us walked home together. Everyone else stayed at the party until who knows when. All I know is that when I got back it was around 5am and I could see that it was beginning to get light out, but I didn't mind it because I had a good night. When I got back to my room, I iced me knee while getting ready for bed and then I fell asleep.

Side note: I was in the library the other day and while drying my hands I noticed that they sell pregnancy tests in the dispensers on the wall. Crazy!

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