Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 51

Woke up around 7:30am to get ready for my long day. Of course I woke up coughing. I got out of bed and siad good morning to everyone in Ash's room. Yes, you guessed it. They were still there from when I left them to go to bed. I ate some breakfast, got dressed, and left for my tutorial at 9. I got to class and we began doing some problems. I asked my partner Nicole a question on how she got an answer and she had to explain it about four times. It's not that I was not listening but for some reason I just couldn't focus. Then I began to cough and I basically had a cough attack mid class. I got up and excused myself and then went back into class once I had stopped coughing. After class I dragged myself to the gym and did a little workout. I felt ok at the gym, but once outside I felt horrible and I began coucghing once again. I couldn't remember what room my next tutorial was in so I looked at my online timetable and saw that it was different and said that my tutorial started at 11. It was now about 11:50. I thought it was a mistake becuase when I got to the room, basically everyone was there as usual so I didn't think anything of it. Ten past twelve came and there was still no teacher. Last week out professor told us that we were going to be having a new professor but she neve mentioned anything else. We started to wonder and then I heard some others talking about how it said 11 on their timetable and it was in a different room. I chimmed in and said I had the same, but I just thought it was a mistake. Someone from the class went to go check the new room we were supposed to be in at 11. Turns out about five people from our class were there and the new professor was teaching. So apparently now I tutorial starts at 11, with our new professor in a new room. I don't really care, but it would have been nice if our old professor gave us a heads up and told us that our tutorial was now going to be at a different room and time. I just figured it would be at the same time in the same room but with a different professor. Obviously not. Anyway, we all went to the room and sat there for the last ten minutes. Well now we know for next week.
After that ended I still felt horrible and felt that today was a complete fail so I decided that I was just going to go back to my flat. Before I headed back I stopped by the store and picked up some cough medicine and tea that helps with coughs. When I got back to my flat I ate a little something and had some tea. I changed into my sweatpants and then slept for about five hours. When I woke up a felt a bit better. Of course everyone was still in Ash's room so I went in and hung out with them for a bit. After that I did some research for my paper, ate some dinner and chatted on line. I then got back into bed, read a little, and then went back to sleep. Today I really just focused on resting and trying to get better.


JFe said...

Hi Michelle,

WE loved the postcard!

Lauren and Uncle Willy had some sort of a virus where the biggest symptom was tiredness. Also, could your cough be from allergies?

Michelle said...

I don't have any allergies. At least not that I know of. I am more tired than usual but I just figured that is because of being sick. I have some medicine that I picked up at the store so I am hoping that will help.

Glad you enjoyed the postcard!