Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 59

We arrived at the airport around 8:30pm. Checking in was really easy since we just had our selves. Once we were all checked in we waited for our flight to bored. We started boarding around ten for our 10:30 flight. Once everyone was settled on the plane the crew went through all the safety procedures and then we took off. I have never flown with Ryaniar before and so far so good. The things they sold on the plane were very bizarre. First, she came around with drink and food menus. Then she came around selling newspapers, then cigarettes, and then lotto tickets. That is the strangest stuff I have seen being sold an an airplane.
The flight was only about an hour ride, so it went quite fast. I had a cheeky (little) nap on the flight, but was awake for landing, which was the worst. The landing was so dodgy (sketchy) that I was actually really nervous. While descending the plane was all over the place and the landing was not smooth at all. I guess that is what you get for cheap flights. We got there safely so that is all that counts.
We got through customs fine and then we searched for an area to stay for the night since we didn't book a hostel. It was only for a night so I didn't really mind. We found a lounge upstairs which already had other people sleeping in the booths so we each took a booth and tried to get some sleep. We were not tired at all due to the fact of being excited, but once I got comfy I began to doze off. About an hour into my nap I got woken up by airport security. There was one guy by every sleeping person, so there was about six of them. At first I was surprised and didn't know what was going on, but then I realized that they were just checking boarding passes. I didn't have a boarding pass so when he started to ask questions I just told him that I arrived about two hours ago and we were leaving tonight because we were just staying the day to enjoy the festivities. He was actually really cool about it and said that we were ok and could stay. I was really glad he said that because otherwise we would of had to figure something else out. I went back to sleep and in total got about four hours. I woke up about every hour because I was getting really excited and just wanted it to be time to start the day.
At around four in the morning the people from the food place woke everyone up because the dining area was now open for people who wanted breakfast. So now we had four hours to sit and wait. It was probably the longest four hours ever, but we tried to make the best of it. Amanda and myself chatted for a while and then we got some Starbucks and breakfast and waited some more. At around 8:30 we all freshened up and then got a taxi to go to the Guinness factory. We got there around nine and it didn't open until 9:30 so we purchased our tickets and then waited. It began to get crowded, but once it was opened we went through and went on our way. It was a self tour so we could take our time and see what we wanted to see. In the middle, the factory is shaped like a big pint glass so on the way up you could look down and see. It was really cool.
Amanda and myself went off together, while Tatiana and her friends from home stayed together and did the tour themselves. We learned the history and how the beer is made and then we got to do some taste testing. I am not a fan of Guinness, but I must say that it was really good. Everyone says that it tastes different in Ireland than from anywhere else and they are correct. I actually enjoyed it.
When we purchased our tickets, we could redeem a free pint with the bottom stub part. You could either get one up at the Skybar and admire the view overlooking Dublin or you could pour your own pint two floors down and receive a certificate as well. Of course I was going to pour my own pint, so Amanda and me headed to the 5th floor while Tatiana and everyone else continued to the 7th. Pouring my own pint was awesome and it tasted so good! Once Amanda and I finished our perfect pints we sat down and enjoyed them. After we were finished we headed upstairs to meet up with Tatiana and everyone else. The view was beautiful.
At around noon we headed out of the factory and began walking towards the parade. It was so crowded when we got closer. We waited for about an hour for the parade to actually get by our section and then it was about another hour and a half for the whole thing to go by. It was probably the weirdest parade I have ever seen. There were people dressed as strange things and the floats were like random things. All in all though it was a good parade. It was funny because a lot of people came with ladders, which I thought was smart because then the kids were able to see over everyone.
By the time the parade was over, I was a bit cranky because I was tired, hungry, and my legs were killing me from standing, but once we got to the pub and I had some food, beer, and a seat I cheered up. After we finished eating we went to a bunch of different bars and had some beers and met lots of people. At one of the pubs I got tapped on the shoulder only for this guy to tell me that I had a label on my butt. I looked and sure enough I had a Budweiser label sticking to my butt. I was thankful for him telling me even though it is embarrassing having a stranger who have something on your butt. Then I wondered how long I was walking around like that. Oh well, I guess I just did some free advertising for Budweiser. Haha. And while we were at the parade we met some other international students and one was from Smithtown and then while walking we met some people from North Carolina because their daughter was in the parade with the marching band form North Carolina.
Around 6:30 we started to make our way out of town to get a taxi and head to the airport. On the walk back one of Tatiana's friends asked some guy how to get somewhere and his response was a kiss. Yup, that is right, he just gave her a big kiss and then continued walking with his friends. I was so stunned at what just happened, but then I just laughed because that kind of stuff never happens. She was so shocked herself. After that little fiasco, we got a taxi and made our way to the airport. Of course I fell asleep for the taxi ride. I was so tired. We got to the airport and then I had to use the internet to reprint my boarding ticket because when I originally printed it our at school, the printer printed both on one page front and back. Once that was done, we went through security and then looked around the shops as we waited. While I was looking at shot glasses in one shop, I brushed passed the shelf and of course a pack of three shot glasses fell to the floor breaking one. Just my luck. Anyway, I picked up the other two and was prepared to pay for them since I broke them. The guy came over and I apologized. I felt so bad. He put his hand out to take the other two from me, but I said that I was going to pay for them since I broke them and he immediately said, "Oh no," and then proceeded to explain to me that it is against the law to have someone pay for something that they broke. He explained that glass items out on display are bound to break since they are out in the open on display. I had no idea. Apparently, stores that have those signs saying "You break it you buy it," are not supposed to have those signs. You learn something new everyday. So next time you are in a store and you accidentally break something you don't have to pay for it. After that I happened I decided to just go sit down and wait for boarding.
Once on the flight and in my seat I fell asleep. I was not even awake for take off, but I was sure awake for the landing because it was worst than last time. I don't know how these pilots passed for landing, but they should not have. The plane was all over the place once again and then when we landed (basically hit the ground) everyone was like jolted in their seats. Worst landing I have ever experienced, but once again we made it alive so I got over it.
We went through customs and then got a taxi back to the flats. Once back in my room, I showered and cooked some food. Then I went downstairs to hang out with everyone for a bit. Then I came back upstairs and went to bed because I was so tired and I needed sleep if I was going to make it to Uni tomorrow.
This was the best Saint Patrick's Day I have ever had I don't think any other Saint Patrick's Day will compare.

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