Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 52

Woke up around 11 and had some breakfast. Today is my day off so I wanted to be productive. I went into to town and went to the gym. After the gym I went to the pound store and Morrisons to get some things that I needed. When I got back I made some lunch and then took a shower. After that I hung out in Ash's room with Jamie and Alice and a few others. This time they had all gotten some sleep. haha. After hanging out with them for a bit I got my things together and headed off to the library to be productive and do some work. I worked for about four hours until I was sick of the library. I walked back to my flat, cooked some dinner and then did some things around my room. Jamie came over and hung out for a bit. I was quite hyper and really wanted to go out, but I have uni tomorrow so I did not. Instead Brian and Melody came over and the four of us watched The Hangover. We have all seen it but we figure since it is funny that we would just watch it again. After the movie was over everyone left and then I headed to bed.

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