Friday, March 12, 2010

day 53

I didn't fall asleep that easily due to the fact that I had about a twenty minute cough attack. After that I finally fell asleep and then woke up around 8:45 to get ready for uni. After eating breakfast and getting dressed I got my books and headed to my lecture. I didn't fell that well at the beginning of lecture. I had a horrible stomach ache and I just didn't feel myself. I stuck it out and by the end of lecture it kind of went away. After lecture ended I headed over to the gym to get a workout in.
I got changed and then headed over to my tutorial. It went by fast because we watched adverts and talked about who they were targeting and what message they were trying to portray. It was a good class. After class ended I got a sandwich and headed to the library to meet up with my group to work on our presentation. After eating my sandwich my motivation was gone for the day. I can't help when it comes and goes, but at that point I could not even force myself to do work. We talked about what everyone should do for our next meeting and then we departed. I headed back to my flat and took a shower. After getting dressed I decided to straighten my hair. Once I was done with that I cooked some dinner for myself. I made some mashed potatoes and chicken with vegetables. It was quite delicious. Jamie was very fond of the mashed potatoes as well. After cleaning up Jamie and I headed over to Andy's flat to hang out with everyone. They were playing video games and I got bored so I went back to my flat and chatted on line with some friends and then headed to bed. Of course around the time I was going to bed everyone found their way into my flat and where in the kitchen waiting for Luke to get home. Figures. they don't keep me up though so it was fine. I did hear them all when Luke arrived back, but then I went back to sleep.

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