Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 45

Today I woke up around 8:30 and got some things together for my class at 10. At around 9:40 I headed into town to go to my lecture class. After class ended I met with my professor to talk about what I was planning on writing for my final assignment. She gave me some good ides and now I know what I am going to write about. That meeting only lasted about five minutes and then I went back to my flat to make some lunch. I had some tuna on an english muffin. After lunch I went over to the library to meet with my group and talk about our presentation. We figured out how we were going to set up the presentation and we also got some books out for research. After we finished up I headed over to the gym and did about an hour workout. Once I finished with that I headed back to my flat. I planned on going back to the library to do some work, but that never really happened. I just wound up doing some things around my room and skyping with friends. I didn't even go out because I was not in the mood. I read for a bit and then went to bed. It was a nice relaxing night.


Jackie said...

Thanks for continuing to write Michelle. Love to hear what you are up to. Sounds like you are meeting a lot of nice friends.

Michelle said...

I like keeping it updated. I know that when I look back at this blog I will be thankful that I wrote everyday.