Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 99

Went to my last management accounting tutorial at nine, which went well. Then I got some coffee to help me stay awake and headed back to the same room since my next class was there as well. I had my laptop with me so, I worked on my essay for about a half hour before class started. It was my last business decision making class and that went fine as well. After that class ended I headed over to the library to continue working on my paper as I had about three hours before my next class. 3:30 rolled around and it was my last management accounting lecture!!!! It was just revision so we worked on mock test questions. Those went well. After class ended I was starving so I headed back to my flat, made some food and then continued working on my essay. I finished it at around ten and then headed out to The Eldon with Brian for a beer. I was exhausted and the Eldon was so crowded that I was not the perkiest of people. After that we headed back to his room to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother (my new favorite show) and then I headed off to bed as I had to make sure I was up and ready to hand my paper in tomorrow. 

Day 98

Woke up at a decent time to get to work on my paper. Of course it was another gorgeous day out and I was inside writing my paper. Before I got started I did go to the gym since I had not been for the past five days since I had been working on my last paper. After the gym I came back to my flat, showered, had some food, and got to work. I was pretty much in the zone so things were moving along. I took a break from my paper and took Brian to the Eldon to get a pint because he was stressing about money. We sat and chatted and he was at ease for a bit. I then made some chicken for dinner and then continued working on my paper. Ash was DJ'ing at a club tonight and I really wanted to go to see him play, but I knew I had to get this paper done. Of course everyone came back here afterwards and I had to be up early and didn't get that much sleep cause I heard them all. I was really annoyed at them because I had a long day ahead of me, but they eventually quieted down and fell back to sleep.

Day 97

Today was a pretty lazy day. I pretty much stayed in and worked on my work. Nothing to exciting happened.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 96

Slept pretty well last night. I was not in that much of a mood to do work so I decided to take another walk into town to see if my package was in. I got ready and then stopped down to the twins room to see if any of them wanted to come for a walk with me. Valentina and Melody decided to come with me. It was such a nice day out that we took our time walking. Plus, we all didn't want to do our work. I wore out my new pair of flats to break them in. That was a bad idea because my feet were killing me and I was starting to develop blisters. I had no choice though, so I stuck it out the pain.
We made it to the post office and my package was still not there! Well I guess I will try again on Monday. After that Melody was hungry so we stopped at a little cafe place and she got some lunch. We all sat and chatted for a bit before heading back. It was really nice. When I got back to my room I started working on my management accounting online evaluation quiz thing. It is just practice and does not count towards my grade or anything, but I knew I should do it. The questions were not that bad, but I still have to get a lot of studying in before the real exam in the middle of May. That took me a while to do because the questions have so much work involved that when I finished I was done with work for the day. I made some food and then headed over to Brian's to drink a beer. We wound up watching How I Met Your Mother. I have heard about this show before, but never really had any desire to watch. I have no idea why I never watched it before because it is hilarious. We watched about three episodes and then headed over to the twins place to get them to go out for a drink. They have been working all day and they needed to get out. They got ready and then we headed over to a bar that was down the way from the Eldon. Of course people were dressed up in the bar as they were most likely doing and Otley run. After we got our drinks we sat down and just relaxed and enjoyed each others company. They was this one guy that we noticed who was stumbled back and forth passed the entrance of the room that we were in. I thought he was looking for a friend, but apparently he was just gaining up the courage to sit next to Valentina. After about the fourth time going by the door he stumbled in and sat next to Valentina, but did not say anything for about a minute. He then asked her how she was. She said good and then asked him if he was drunk. His response, "Not at all." After that awkward little convo he got up and left. Then about five minutes later he walked back and was heading over to sit on a stool. As he entered the room he looked at Valentina and called her Isabella as he tripped over the stool and then fell to the floor. So much for him being not drunk. The people who were sitting across the room from us helped him up and then he left the room embarrassed. After he left everyone was laughing and talking about it. The other people thought he was with us, but we told them that we had no idea who he was, which made that situation even funnier. We soon left the bar and then headed back to the twins to make some green beans and garlic bread. Marieta was still hungry and had some left over chicken. Once she got to the bone, she ate it. Yes, she eats bones. Well, not the whole bone. She just bits of the end part of the bone. I have never seen anyone do that. It was bizarre. After that I headed back up to my room to head to bed. At this point it was around two. I was all settled in bed and then I heard Luke, Jamie and Chris come into the flat. Now, this worried me a bit because they had just left to go out about three hours ago and are usually out until like five or six. So I got out of bed and walked into Luke's room to see if everything was ok. Apparently, Jamie was not feeling himself and Luke and Chris came back home with him. I knew something was up with Jamie because I saw him when they were leaving to go out and he did not seem himself. Needless to say I wound up sitting with them until about four and then went to bed. While I was sitting with them I took a big yawn when I was getting tired and Chris said, "You nearly swallowed everyone." I laughed because I have never heard that before. It was quite funny.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 95

Last night I didn't sleep so well as I heard everyone once again and plus at nine am the lovely fire alarm went off. I heard it going off in the next building and new it was coming to our building next so I plugged my ears and was ready. It was quite short today which was nice. I fell back to sleep for a bit longer and then got up to get some work done. I finished revising my first essay and did the bibliography and then I really had no motivation to start working on my next one. I decided to take a shower and figured that maybe after I would want to get some work done. That didn't happen because Ash was in the kitchen teaching Chloe how to mix and of course I would rather do that than my work. I asked Chloe what she had to learn for and she told me it's her final exam. Yes, her final exam is DJ'ing! Apparently this is what one of her classes is all about. I wish we had a class like that back at home. I would never mind doing my work then! After I watched for a bit I got myself together and then headed into town to pick up my grandparents package. It looked a bit cold out so I put a coat on and my boots. I regretted that decision when I was halfway to town cause I was beginning to sweat. It was oddly warm out even though there was all this overcast and it looked like it was going to be cold. Anyway, I got into town only to find out that my package was not in yet, even though the letter said wait 24 hours before you get it. That was 24 hours. The lady said it usually takes 48 hours and I should try back tomorrow. Well at least I will have something to do tomorrow. I got back to my room and stared at my computer getting just about nothing done. It hen went downstairs and hung out with Ash, Jamie, and Sean. After that I came back upstairs to try and work on more, but nothing. I chatted with my mom on skype and then attempted to watch some TV through the internet, but that takes forever to stream, so I just decided to head to bed.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 94

ESSAY COMPLETE! One down and one to go. I just have to revise and do the bibliography for this one and that's it!
So I planned on getting up around ten or so to get started with my day and get things done, but instead I got woken up at nine am by the leaf blowers that were being used right outside my window. Of course! I was a bit annoyed and tried to go back to sleep, but I was to aggravated that I could not, so I got up. Now, the bathroom in our flat has this fan in it and when you turn on the light it makes this loud annoying noise. It is louder than other peoples fans. Everyone else has this silent fan that you really don't even notice and I get stuck with this fan that you can hear all the way down the hallway. Anyway, I pulled the sting to click on the light and the fan made this really scary noise. It sounded like a dying bird. I stood in horror in the corner of the bathroom staring at that fan thinking all these thoughts. I was even scared to go to the bathroom because I was afraid that something dead was going to fall out of the fan right next to me. Needless to say nothing came out and nothing has still come out of the fan and it does not smell like something died in our bathroom (sometimes it does though when someone actually uses it haha) so I have come to the conclusion that it was just the fan making weird noises. Either way it did scare me. After that cheeky bathroom experience, I got ready and headed into town. It was a beautiful day out and I knew I had to do work later so I figure I go out now. I had something to exchange at Primark so that was my first stop. I spent a good amount of time in there, as I got some things for myself and some things for Kim. I then headed over to this shoe store where I purchased a pair of flats since the ones that I took over with me and in horrific shape. Those are getting disposed of before I leave. I browsed around in some other stores and then got tired of the crowds and headed over to Morrison's, not like it is less crowded over there. I picked up what I needed and then headed back to my flat. Once back, I put all my groceries away, made myself tea and a sandwich and got to work on my paper. While working a bee flew into my room and was buzzing around. I captured it in a cup against the window and then threw it out and shut my window a little so that nothing else flies into my room.
I was in the zone for a while and actually did not mind sitting in on this nice day finishing up this essay. At around six I completed my paper! Woohoo! I then changed a class on my schedule for next semester and then started cooking as Brian and the duplicates were coming over for dinner around 7:30. We had chicken and mashed potatoes with carrots. After dinner and cleaning up I folded the rest of my laundry and skyped with Kim and mom before Marieta, Brian and myself headed over to that little fair down the road for a bit. Since we have all been working so hard we figure we have some fun. Valentina was stressing a bit so she just stayed in a continued working. The three of us went on this one spinning ride where you stand up and then it starts to go vertical as it is still spinning. It was fun, but afterwards I was not feeling myself. That is when I remembered why I don't like spinny rides. We then did the bumper cars and it was not as fun as last time. Marieta and I got the defected car. Every time we tried to turn left the wheel would start spinning the other way and then the car would start going backwards into on coming bumper cars. Basically, Marieta and myself got roughed up and I now have a bruise on my knee. Oh, Brian and I went on this little haunted car ride, which lasted for like a minute and was not scary at all. It was more about the suspense aspect and the darkness. Of course I was clinging onto Brian because we heard the previous people scream before us and I had no idea what was going to jump out at me. Nothing happened until the end when the ride was just about over and the guy who let us, jumped out of the darkness near Brian and scared him. He let out a little scream and I just died in laughter. HaHa. After the fair we stopped and picked up some beer to play beer pong. We set up in my kitchen as it was still dirty from a couple of nights before. Luckily, the guys were around and wanted to play so we had some even teams.
When I was heading into the kitchen I heard Luke and Jamie giggling like two little girls and went in to see what they were giggling about. Luke held up these two little stuffed animals. They claimed they were ducks, but they were definitely platypuses. We went back and forth with that for a while. Haha. It was like last night when they were making fish fingers sandwiches. I said fish sticks because that is what I call them at home and of course they made wound me up for that.
Brian, Marieta, and myself started playing as we were waiting for Jamie. I needed to grab something out of my room and headed out of the kitchen to only see Luke's bare ass down the hall. He was getting ready to go in the shower and his towels were in the wash so he was in the hallway messing around with Jamie and Ash in a hand towel. Of course it did not fit all the way around him and the open part was just enough to leave his ass hanging out. I just walked backed into the kitchen and started laughing so hard. It's not I have not seen his butt before, because I usually tend to walk in when he is mooning someone or whatever. Either way, it was just hilarious and we were both laughing. After I finished laughing, I got what I needed from my room and then beer pong continued. The music started going and some other people started to join in on the games. Altogether it was a fun night. After we finished playing, they all headed out and then Brian, Marieta, and myself cleaned up a bit. After that they left and I headed off to bed as tomorrow it is back to work mode.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 93

Got woken up around four because everyone came barging in the flat and my room is closest to the door and the phone. I heard door slamming, phone ringing, music going all night. Needless to say, I was up by nine and everyone was in the kitchen. I planned on having cereal, but people were everywhere and all the decks were sprawled over the counter so I decided against that. For the first time in my life I ate out in public by myself. It was not so bad because I was the only person in the place and the TV was on, but I hope to never do that again. After breakfast, I headed over to the library to work on my paper. I spent about two hours there until I started fall asleep at the computer. I knew I needed sleep so I walked back to my room hoping that every was gone. I listened for the music to still be going in the kitchen, but there was silence and I took advantage of that. I hopped in my bed and took a cheeky two hour nap. It was glorious. I woke up feeling so much better and ready to work. After that I sat at my computer and was in the zone for the rest of the day. Of course I took some breaks in between for food, laundry, tea and blowing my nose, but other than that I got most of my first essay done.
So, I am ill once again with a sore throat and stuffy nose. I feel like I am always sick here. And I am apparently in love with tea. I never drank tea at home and today I had about five cups. Who knew. After getting most of my essay done, I showered, had some dinner, chatted with my mom, hung out with my mates in the kitchen for a bit and then headed off to bed. Hopefully tonight I will have an uninterrupted sleep.

Day 92

So much for the nice sleep, cause I got woken up around two by Ash knocking on the door because he forgot his key. I went back to sleep which was pretty hard cause my throat was killing, but I eventually fell back to sleep. Got up around ten to get some things done and then headed to uni. After class, I came back to the flat to have some lunch and do some work. I was in the zone working on my paper, but I had to go to my last class of the day. Figures that I would be in the zone and then have to go do something. I was planning on working on my paper after class, but of course that went out the window. After class I came back to my room to attempt to work on my paper, but I could not focus. Instead I ate some food, took a shower and got ready to go out. I decided that tonight I was going to have some fun since I have been working on my stuff a lot. It was a good thing I took tonight off because my mates had all the DJ equipment set up in the kitchen, so I would have never gotten anything done anyway. It was one of the guys birthdays we were celebrating. After having some fun in the kitchen we all got taxis and headed over to the club Mint. It is a really small club, but it was nice. The ceiling has all these lights on it and stuff. Of course the music was awesome, but Brian was not such a big fan of it. This was the first time ever that I came across a coed bathroom, or as they call it unisex. Yes, there was one cue (line) that everyone stood on to go into this one big bathroom. I was so confused at first because I thought I was going into the wrong bathroom, but it was unisex. It was really bizarre, but when you got to go you got to go.
At around two, Brian and I left. I could tell that he was not having the best of times since that is not really his type of music, so we left. We got some french fries, had a chat while eating them and then parted ways to head to bed. I planned on sleeping in, but once again that didn't happen.

Day 91

Had uni at one today, so I slept for a bit and then I got ready to head to class. Last class we got on the topic of reese's peanut butter cups and how one girl tried them when she visited the states and loved them. I had some of them left over from the package I got for easter and decided to bring them in and give it to them. Of course, they did not show up to class so I just wound up giving them to whoever was there, which was only like three people due to the fact that this was the last class and the last group was presenting. After class I went to the gym for a workout and then walked back to my flat for some lunch. After lunch I headed back into class for my last lecture and then went over to the library to work on some of my paper. At around seven I headed back to my flat to eat some dinner, shower and work on more of my paper. Then I headed off to bed at a decent time cause I figured I would get a nice sleep to get an early start tomorrow.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 90

Today was a lazy day. I basically just hung out in my room. I vacuumed my room and cleaned it up a bit and then I just did some work. Once I could not work anymore I watched a movie. I watched Dear John, which was pretty good. Took a while to actual watch cause I was streaming it off the internet, but I did finish it eventually. Haha. After I chatted with my parents for a bit I then headed to bed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 89

Today was the Otley Run! I was for one of Brian's friends birthday. (name of the pub crawl) I was so excited that I could not wait for it to start. I have heard stories of people who have done it and they say it is a blast. If you remember when I talk about people dressed up in the bars sometimes, well today that was us!
I got up, tested out what I wanted to wear and then went over to Brian's to make our signs. Before I went over I grab some pizza boxes out of the dumpster. Haha. Brian and I both made signs for ourselves. His said, "Need change for the next pub," and mine said, "I'll bet you a pound that you will read this sign." At first I wrote a $1 and then I remembered that I am in England, so I fixed it. After we finished our signs I went back over to my room to get dressed. Turns out that I didn't use anything that I bought yesterday. I am going to return the sweatpants and keep the sweater because I actually like it. I found a sweatshirt lying around in my kitchen which was gross. It had stains and dried up food on it. Basically, it was perfect. So, I wore that sweatshirt, with stockings that I ripped wholes in and a pair of shorts. My hair was all messy with leaves and sticks in it and then I put dirt on my face. I also had a cup for spare change, a plastic bag with recyclable cans in it attached to my shorts and an empty beer can wrapped in a paper bag. We all hung our signs from our necks. Once we were all ready we headed off to the starting pub at three. We met our fellow homeless people or as they call them, skanks, over at the pub. Everyone looked great. The birthday boy looked the best! Plus, he broke his foot last week and had a purple cast on his foot with crutches, which added to his costume. They are not typical crutches that we have at home though. They are the type that go around your wrist and then you have handles to hold. Either way, he looked the best.  Everyone was almost done with their pints so Tatiana and myself just got a half pint, which turned out to be a good idea because by the time we got them we only had like five minutes to drink them before we were off to the next pub. Turns out that is how it was at basically every pub, so I was basically downing half pints at every pub. Towards the end Tatiana and myself just decided that shots would be easier. This morning that did not seem like a such a good idea as I had a bit of a headache. Nothing Advil didn't fix. Anyway, back to the Otley run. Basically it is 18pubs/18 pints in 8 hours. I am glad I stuck with half pints because there was no way I would have made it alive if I did a full pint at each pub. When we got to the third pub more homeless people joined the group and we had about twenty or so homeless people in the group. We were not the only ones dressed up though. We saw other people dressed as 80's people, mexicans again, cavemen and there was a group who all had the same paper cut out face on. OH, the funny thing is, people actually gave us money. At one pub, a guy threw some sort of change and a couple of the people I was with they starting running after it. It was really funny. At some pubs, they were checking ID's and they guy asked me what my address was. I thought it was funny because there I am reciting my New York address in England. At other pubs they would look in my cup and shake my paper bag to see if I had anything in them. I know I look homeless, but I know better not to take a beer into a pub. Anyway, they let me in, but didn't seem to thrilled with me. Whatever. It was funny because we kept out change in out cups and would shake them at people when we walked past them. Talk about being homeless. Oh, at one pub there was an actual homeless person and one of the guys ran down to go sit on the bench and talk to him. We then saw him running across the street and had no idea what happened. Turns out he bought the bum a big bottle of cider. People would read my sign and then would not even give me a pound. Some were clever though. One person said, "I am illiterate. I don't know what that says." Someone even asked me if I was doing this for charity. That would be a good charity event. Needless to say it was an all day event and by the time we got to The Eldon it was about eight and I just about had it. As the day goes on you lose people along the way anyway. The duplicates met us at The Eldon and then then we all went over to one last pub. After the boat pub Brian and I called it a night as we were both wasted and starving. The last time I ate was at one. The four of us walked back towards the flats, got some pizza, and then I went headed to bed. I had such a blast on the Otley Run. Brian's friends are lots of fun.

Day 88

At home, this weekend is culture shock weekend at school, which is where different bands play throughout the weekend and everyone just enjoys the weather and the music. It is such a fun weekend and I am upset that I could not be there with everyone, but at least I had a pub crawl to look forward to.
After I ate breakfast and got ready Brian and I headed into town to go get some things to help make us look like homeless people for the pub crawl. We wound up in Primark cause it is so cheap and we got some stuff. I got a pink sweater that was ready baggy on me and green sweatpants that I planned to cut up. Brian got some good things as well. After our Primark adventure we headed back to our flats. I went upstairs to go get some work done and such. I got some done, but I was a bit distracted cause everyone was in Luke's room getting ready to go out. So I decided that I would take a break from work. At around nine Brian, Emily, Melody, Valentina and myself went down to this little fair that was set up. It was a really sketchy fair. It was so small and no one was there, but maybe that was because they were closing up. Anyway, we decided to do the bumper cars. Brian and myself were in one car and Melody and Emily were in another car. Brian was steering and I had the gas. Lets just say that I have not laughed that hard in a while. I was basically laughing the whole ride, which I must say was quite long. Best pound spent today! I forgot how much fun bumper cars are. After that we all headed back. By the time I got back to my flat everyone had already left Luke's room so it is nice and quite. I did a little bit more work, talked to mom on skype and then I headed to bed.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 87

Got up around 10:30 this morning and had some breakfast. I then put my package together that I was sending home. It was just a bunch of stuff that I don't use/wear anymore. This will give me more room in my suitcase when I leave in May. After that was all sealed up I walked down to the post office to mail it off. After that I browsed around in Primark for some things that I could use to make me look like a homeless person, as I am doing a bar crawl with some people on Saturday and the theme is homeless people, or as they call them here, skanks. I don't know why they call them that, but I just don't think of a homeless person when I hear that. After my Primark adventure I headed over to Morrisons to pick up some things for dinner. Walking back to my flat I ran into Tatiana, who was off to the gym and Morrisons herself. Once back in my flat I put my groceries away and then had some lunch. After lunch I got comfy and sat in my computer to get some more work done. I basically sat there until I could not stare at my screen anymore. I went over to Brian's for an Entourage break as we only had one episode left. After that I came back to my flat and cooked some dinner. Chicken with peppers, and carrots. Once I cleaned up it was back to work. I got a little sidetracked on Facebook and the internet, but who doesn't. I decided that I could not write anymore and watched a movie. I watched Shutter Island, which was ok. I thought it was going to be better, but it was still good. After the movie I snuggled into bed.

Day 86

Woke up around eleven, had breakfast, got dressed and went for a run in the park. I came back to take a shower and then put some laundry in. While my laundry was in in did some things around my room and on the computer. Once it was done washing I put everything on the dry cycle and then I packed up all my things to go to the library. I spent about three hours in the library working on one of my essays. Things are coming along slowly, but they are getting there. After I could not focus anymore I headed back to the flat to put my things away in my room and then I went downstairs for dinner. Today, Melody cooked dinner for us since we cooked tacos the other night. She cooked chili and it was delicious. We also had corn bread, which Emily made. There was about ten of us there for dinner, which was nice to switch things up, but I do like it best when the four of us just have dinner. After dinner I lounged around a bit and then headed back upstairs to get some more work done, at least that was the plan. Instead, I wound up hanging out with everyone in Luke's room since I have not seen all of them in a while. Then we headed over to the pub for a drink. I was not in the mood to drink so I just went with them to hang out. We got back around eleven and then I just got ready for bed as for some reason I was really tired. I skyped with mom quick and then off to bed I went.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 85

I was up by 7:30 this morning since I had Uni at nine. I started off my day great with Management Accounting. I absolutely hate that class. Leaving class in kind of a bad mood due to that class I headed over to my next class and things began to pick up. After class ended I headed back to my flat for some lunch and get some work done. Then I got ready around three to head back for my last class. I took my gym stuff with me because I figured I would go to the gym after, but that didn't happen. I could not be bothered with the gym so after class I went to Morrison's to pick up groceries for dinner. I decided we were going to have a mexican night so I picked up all the ingredients to make tacos, plus some chips salsa and guacamole. I headed straight the twins and started cooking. Brian was supposed to help me cook, but he thought we were cooking a little later because the twins were supposed to be in a meeting until later, but they got out early. Anyway, I just wound up cooking, which was quick and easy anyway, and Brian was on clean up. Needless to say dinner was delicious. After dinner, the twins went to work on some things and Brian and myself watched some Entourage with beer and wine. Then we headed over to the Eldon for a drink because we have not been in there in so long and plus they renovated it. The Eldon is looking a bit younger these days. After the Eldon we headed over to another pub to meet up with some of Brian's friends form his major. That pub was just about closing so after they finished their drinks they were off to another bar, but I just said my goodbyes and headed to bed.

Day 84

I didn't have class until one today, but I got up early anyway to work on some of my assignments. That lasted for about two hours and then I lost focus. I had some breakfast, got ready and then headed over to class. After class I headed back to my flat for some lunch and then took a quick nap before I headed back in to town for my last class of the day. I was going to go to the gym after class, but it was so nice out that I just headed back, got my sneakers and went for a run in the park. People were walking around, riding their bikes, and playing football. It was a nice run. After I finished I walked back and then took a shower before I headed downstairs for dinner with Brian and the twins. We had chicken, potatoes, rice, green beans and bread. It was quite delicious once again. Since the twins cooked for us tonight Brian and myself were on cooking duty tomorrow night. After dinner I headed back up to my room to do some things and then I headed to bed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 83

Today I was up around eleven and then headed downstairs to the twins to start cooking some food. We planned on doing a picnic lunch in the park if it was nice out again and it was, although it was a bit chilly because of the wind factor. Anyway, we made chicken with peppers, carrots, and string beans. Valentina, Brian and myself walked over to Tesco to pick up some bread and on the walk back this old guy waved at me with this smile on and mouthed, "Hello," but in that seductive kind of way. It was really creepy. ONce we got back we gathered everything together headed over to the park. We found a table by some trees and set up. Of course when we were sitting down eating it was freezing cold because we were kind of in the shade and plus the wind, but it was a nice lunch. Then we laid around on the grass and just enjoyed the sun. After lunch we headed back and watched an episode of Entourage. Then I headed up to my room to shower,  update my blog and upload some photos. You would be surprised how long that actually takes. When I was done doing that it was just about time for dinner and I made myself a salad and then went downstairs to eat with Brian and the twins. After dinner we cleaned up and then I went back upstairs to get some things together for Uni tomorrow. I also, chatted and skyped with Laura and Kim which was nice. After that I headed to bed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Holiday Pictures

Here are pictures of when I went to York to stay with Steph, my trip to Ireland and just a day in the park in Leeds. Enjoy!