Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 72

Woke up today around eleven and then met up with the Marieta to go to the gym. I ran another three miles. Once again, I am proud of myself. After the gym we went into town so that I could get a school sweatshirt and so Marieta could put more minutes on her phone. After that we walked home. I took a shower and then headed downstairs for some lunch.
While we were out it was not raining but once we back eating lunch it began to down pour. There was even some thunder. After we finished lunch we chatted for a bit. We talked about coloring eggs. When Valentina said something about boiling eggs, I thought she said something about pole dancing. Certain things they say with their accent I hear something else. It was quite funny because we were talking about coloring eggs and then I hear something about pole dancing, but she just said boil eggs. Haha The twins said either Thursday or Saturday, but I am not going to be around either night, so I said why not Friday. Apparently since it is Good Friday the twins said that it is a sin to do anything on that day. I mean they can do homework and stuff like that, but they are not allowed to clean or do laundry or stuff like that on Good Friday. So I guess I will color eggs with Emily.
The twins also told me about this game that they play on Easter Sunday. After you find your egg, everyone holds their egg in their hang and then you go around to each person and try to crack the others person egg. If their egg gets a crack in it and yours does not then your egg gains one year. Whoever has the most years at the end wins. I never heard that before and thought that it was an interesting tradition.
After we chatted I went back upstairs and was going to get some work done, but instead I decided to watch a movie. While the movie was loading I took a half hour nap and then once I was up I watched the movie. Today it was the movie, Fame. It was kind of like a little dance/musical movie. I enjoyed it. I planned on starting my work once the movie was over, but I heard everyone hanging out in Luke's room, so after I ate a little something I went in to hang out with all of them. More people were coming and there was not enough room in Luke's room so we moved over to Tom's flat and just hung around and drank a bit. When I got tired I headed home for bed. Luke and Tina were actually heading back the same time I was so we went back over together. I chatted with mom on skype and then got some sleep.
At around 4:30am I got up to go to the bathroom and while I was just about to close the bathroom door I heard the flat door unlock and someone was coming so I waited to see who it was. It was Luke and I sacred the crap out of him. He was not expecting to see me up at that exact moment and when he did he jumped and was all out of breathe. It was actually really quite funny. Apparently Luke couldn't sleep so he went back over to hang out with everyone. I didn't mean to scare him, I just wanted to see who was coming in.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 71

Woke up around noon today and then headed over to the library to get some work done. Of course it was cloudy, cold and raining today, but what else is new around here. Spent about three hours in the library and then I headed over to the gym. I was supposed to go with the twins, but they went early so I just did my own thing. I ran three miles. I am quite proud of myself. After the gym I walked back to my flat, took a shower, had some food, chatted with some people on line and then watched a movie with Jamie. It was a British DJ movie which was quite funny. After that we chatted for a bit and I learned some new words. Apparently gherkins is the same as pickles and wellies are rain boots. After that he left and I headed off to bed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 70

Woke up around 2:30 since I went to bed around 5am. Not like I had much to do today anyway. It was pretty much a lazy day. I got up, chatted with my mom on skype, showered, had some food, updated my music and watched a movie. I watched I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. There is a book, which I read first and then watched the film. After the movie I cleaned up my room a bit and then read a little bit of The Secret. Valentina lent it to me and so far it is a good book. Once I got tired I went to sleep.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 69

Got up around eleven had some breakfast and then got dressed to meet up with the twins and Brian downstairs. It was a nice day out so we figured we go for a walk. Brian originally wanted to play basketball, but the twins thought it was to windy for that so we wound up getting coffee and chatting. I was ready to play basketball, but I am sure we will play another day, as the weather is getting nicer. After our walk, we stopped by the hair place to Valentina could get her fringe cut. After that we headed back to and I went upstairs and had some lunch as I had no intention on spending money for food. After that I did some things around my room and showered and such.
Once dinner time came around I went downstairs to the twins because we were all having dinner together again. It's like family dinners. I like it. After dinner I hung around with them for a bit and then headed up to my room to get ready to go out. I got my stuff and then went over to the next building to meet up with everyone in Tom's flat. Luke was dj'ing a house party tonight so thats where we were all going. Some left earlier then others, but the rest of us left around 1am. It was technically midnight, but the clocks got moved ahead an hour so we lost an hour. Everyone got their things and we headed over to the party. There were not that many people there as the last house party they took me too, but it was still fun. I hung out in the kitchen with everyone and danced inside. Luke began dj'ing around 3am and when he was on everyone was inside dancing. It was a lot of fun. Although while dancing some drunk girl stomped on my foot with her heel. I was in pain and so annoyed, but I just danced it off. Haha. It seems that I always get my feet stomped on while I am out. After Luke finished his set I was tired and ready to go home. I found some people who were leaving and the three of us walked home together. Everyone else stayed at the party until who knows when. All I know is that when I got back it was around 5am and I could see that it was beginning to get light out, but I didn't mind it because I had a good night. When I got back to my room, I iced me knee while getting ready for bed and then I fell asleep.

Side note: I was in the library the other day and while drying my hands I noticed that they sell pregnancy tests in the dispensers on the wall. Crazy!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 68

Got up around eleven today and then got ready to go to the gym with Marieta once again. After the gym we met up with Brian and Valentina and walked around town so that the twins could hand out their resumes for jobs. Once they finished that we sat down and had some food.
The weather was bizarre today because when I left this morning it was nice out and then while we were eating it was pouring outside and then on our walk home it was cloudy, drizzly, and cold. The weather here is so unpredictable. Once I got back to my room I showered, straightened my hair, ate, took a nap and then got ready to go out.
We had no idea what place we were going to, but we knew we were going out lol. We wound up at this soul/funk bar/club that was more for an older crowd. At first there was basically no one there, but once it started getting later it got really crowded. The place actually reminded me of my parents because it was the type of music that they would listen to. Also, the people who were dancing were very entertaining. The moves of my parents. Haha. We did dance a little, but it was a lot more fun to watch everyone else dancing. Overall, it was a fun night, but I don't think I would go back to that place.

Day 67

Today was my last day of class and then Easter holiday began. I went to my lecture class which was a review lecture for our assignment. After that I went to the library for a little bit to get some work done and then I met up with Marieta to go to the gym. Once out of the gym we met up with Valentina in the library. I helped the two of them find some books they needed and then the three of us walked back. I showered, took a nap, and then went downstairs to hang out with them. When dinner time came around the four of us had dinner together again and then put a movie. I left half way through the movie as I was tired and starting to fall asleep.

Day 66

Today I slept for a bit and then went downstairs to meet up with Marieta to go to the gym. After the gym we walked back and had some lunch. Then I showered and did some things around my room. I was going to do some work, but I wound up watching Alice in Wonderland on the internet. It was quite good. After the movie was over Brian came over and we had dinner together and then went downstairs to hang out with the twins for a bit. Then I came back upstairs and went to bed.

Day 65

Today I had class all day as usual. I got ready and then headed over to my tutorial class for management accounting. After I printed some things out in the library and then headed over to my next class. After that class my other group met to discuss the final paper. We split it up into parts and decided on a day to get it all done. I was going to go to the gym after that, but I was not in the mood and it was drizzling out so I just walked back to my room and got some food. I then headed to my accounting lecture, which was the last one of the year. I mean we still have lecture, but they are review lectures for the exam and of course I am going to those. After class I headed back to my room and went downstairs to hang out with the twins. I finally got to hear them talk Bulgarian. It was really cool. After, they finished Brian came over and then the four of us cooked dinner. After dinner was finished I went back upstairs and Brian and me watched some Entourage and then I went to bed.

Day 64

Today I got up around ten to get ready to meet up with my group and prepare for our presentation. I headed over to the library around eleven to print some things and then everyone met up around twelve. We figured out who was going to talk about what and then headed over to the class to set up and such. I tried not to be nervous when the time came close, but I can't help it because I am not a fan of presenting. I stumble over some words, but once it got started it was not so bad. After it was over I felt so relieved. We met wit the professor and she gave us feedback. She said that all went well so hopefully the grade will show that. After that I headed over to the gym and then headed back to my flat to eat. After that I worked on some work and then just had a nice relaxing night.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 63

Today was a nice day out! Brian, the twins and myself all went out for a long walk and then stopped at this boat pub/restaurant in town to get a bit to eat. After the walk I headed up to my room to do a bit or work and then just relaxed. I actually wound up watching a movie. I watched New Moon. The first one was horrible and this one was a little better, but I think I loved it because of the love story. After the movie I hung out with Luke and Jamie in the kitchen while they cooked something to eat. A lady bug flew in the window and onto the light and Jamie wanted to kill it. I said "no!" and went to go get it to let it outside. Of course when I went to get it the lady bug flew away and I thought it was on me, but it turned out it just flew into the light. When I was walking over to sit down I heard something in/by my ear and flipped out. The guys just stared at me like I was crazy and began laughing, as I just stood in the middle of the floor shaking my head and kept me head tilted to the right because I thought I had a bug in my ear! I was paranoid for about a half hour because I thought I kept hearing weird things, but it turns out that it was nothing. I'm glad I could entertain them though. Haha After that fiasco I called it a night as I had to get ready for my presentation tomorrow.

Day 62

Got up around eleven and had something to eat. I planned to go to the library to do some work but of course it was raining outside and I was not walking in the rain, so I grabbed all my stuff and went downstairs to Valentina's room to do some work with her. I was really hyper and awake and was not focused at first so the three of us talked for a while and then we got serious and did some work. After that we all had dinner together, including Brian. After dinner we cleaned up and then all got ready to go out. I was so ready to go out because I have not been out to a club in a while. Once everyone was dressed we all met up and did some pre-drinking before going out.
We headed over to this club called Evolution. None of us have been there before so we were all excited to check out a new place. It was a nice place and played music like home. I don't mind that music, but I prefer the techno when I am out. I have really grown to love it ever since I have been over here. I mean, I enjoyed it before I came here, but I am always surrounded by it and love it!
There were two rooms in the club which was nice because we got to pick which room played the better music and stayed in there. Towards the end of the night we found a nice little place upstairs that overlooked everyone else on the dance floor and started to laugh at all the drunk people below. It was quite entertaining. Once my feet and knee started hurting me I knew it was time to go. We got a taxi and headed home. It was a fun night.

Day 61

Got up at a decent time today and got some things done. I went to the gym and then was came back to shower and eat some food. I really did not do that much today. I got some work done that needed to get done and then just hung around. I really wanted to go out tonight, but everyone else partied all week and did not want to go out, so Brian and myself hung around, drank a bit and then went over to the pub for a quick drink with the twins. It was a pretty low key night.

Saturday, March 20, 2010