Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Paris Trip! (thanks for being patient)

Day 1
Going out the night before traveling probably was not the best idea, but like I said before I have a soft spot for my two flat mates and I had to. It was a really fun night, but it was just hard getting up so early the next morning.
I woke up around 7 to get ready and make sure I had everything I needed for the trip. At 7:30 I met up with Brian and then we began our walk to the bus station. ON our way we stopped by the library to print out our confirmation e-mails for the flight and the hostel. After that was all done we found our way to the bus station and waited about 15 minutes for our bus to arrive. Once we got on the bus it was about a half hour bus ride to the airport. Longer than a taxi ride, but also cheaper than a taxi ride. When we arrived at the airport we stopped and got a little something to eat and then we made our way through security and all that fun stuff. We both made it through with no problems and we headed over to our gate to board the plane. We flew with Jet2. They were good. Once on the plane and in my seat I fell asleep right after take off and slept right until we were about to land. I was so tired, so I figured I was going to sleep the whole flight. Anyway it just makes the flight go so much faster! There is an hour time difference between England and France so we had to change our clocks an hour ahead. We landed safely and made our way through customs, which was a breeze.
The flight was the easy part. Now it was figuring out where the hostel was and what was the best way to get there. We knew it was only ten minutes from the Eiffel Tower so we figured if we just got around that area we would find it eventually. We asked the lady at the information desk the best way to get to the Eiffel Tower and she told us by train. She gave us a map of the subway system, which was in French because she had no English ones left, and then directed us how to get to the train. It was a quick little walk to the train, but it was cold and snowy so we walked briskly. We made it to the train station, and waited to get our tickets. I was thankful that the lady at the window spoke some English and helped me out. We got our tickets and then made our way over to the train. Now, we had to figure out how to get passed the entrance turnstile. It is more of some kind of transparent doors that when you put your ticket through the thing the open electronically and you walk through. It is quite bizarre. We made it through and got on our train to Paris. It was exciting because this was Brian’s first time ever on a train. You could totally tell that he was a bit nervous about it, but then he was fine.
It was about a forty minute to hour train ride. Then we transferred to another line to get the closest to Eiffel Tower. It was interesting getting on and off the subway because the doors don’t open automatically when the train stops at a stop. You either have to push a button to open the door, or lift a handle. And you can open the doors when the train is about to stop. Yes, people open the doors when the train is still in a bit of motion.
We took the next train for about 2 stops and got of where we thought was best. We found out later on that there was a stop that we could have got off at that was right on the corner of the block we needed to be on, but you live and learn. So, we got off and had no idea where we were or where we had to go and we were always nervous to ask someone because everyone spoke French. Oh yeah, Brian made me speak to everyone since I knew some French. I must say that it was very helpful knowing what I knew, but to be honest most people we talked to knew some kind of English so it was not as bad as I thought. We walked around for about ten minutes reading the map and trying to figure out where the hostel was. It was not so pleasant because it was snowing and freezing cold outside!
Brian is a really good navigator because we finally found the hostel. I spoke the French and he read the maps. It worked out great. We checked in and got our key to our room. It was a square box with two bunk beds, a little table and a chair, a sink, and a heater. The beds were really squeaky and not so stable, but it was manageable. The hostel did include breakfast and free internet so that was a plus. The one downfall was that the bathrooms and the shower were located outside. Even though they were enclosed it was still freezing cold, so I basically dreaded to go to the bathroom and showering because I knew that involved being cold.
There was already luggage on a bed so we already had a roommate and by the look of the luggage it was a girl. We eventually met her later on. She was actually really nice and she spoke English. Her name was Claire and she was from Singapore. She had some kind of job interview in Amsterdam and then came to Paris to visit a guy for the first time. She met him through a dating service on line and figured since she was over here anyway; she would meet him in person. She kept us up to date about her daily activities and about the guy. Apparently things were going well, as he gave her a blanket and pillow to sleep with at the hostel and then saw each other everyday. I hope everything works out for her. We are friends via Facebook so I plan to keep in touch and see how everything is going.
Anyway, after we got settled in, we decided to go out and explore. It was freezing cold outside and I was shivering, but when I got my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower I forgot all about being cold and was in awe. It was the most beautiful thing to see in person. I whipped out my camera and began clicking away. After walking around for a while we went and got something to eat. We had no idea where we were located or where was a good place to eat so we just wound up at some Japanese restaurant where the lady spoke just about no English so we basically played the pointing game. That was interesting. Even though we were inside I was still freezing because the French obviously don’t believe in internal heating. The lady was really nice though and rolled over a space heater for the two of us.
After dinner the two of us decided to go to a bar for a beer. It was extremely expensive, 14 Euro for two pints, so after that we headed back to the hostel and had another beer at the hostel bar. I had Kilkenny and Brian got a Coors Light, which was four months expired. Hahah After our beers I e-mailed my mom to tell her that I made it safely since I could not call her and then we headed to bed as we planned to get up early to explore some more.
Day 2
We woke up around 10:30 and got ready for the day. Today I bundled up good, because I did not want to be that cold again. It was actually a nice day so it was not that bad. While walking to the train station there was this street fair set up. Later we found out that it was like a big garage sale. All the vendors there were selling so many old things and like junk. It was bizarre, but some of the things they were selling were really cool. After looking through that we got on the train and made our way to the Museum of Natural History, which was free to get into. This building was so beautiful on the inside. It was four stories and had so many animals and different things to see. The stair well and floor kind of reminded me of the movie Thirteen Ghosts.
We left the museum and then found a crepe vendor. It was my first crepe of the trip and Brian’s first crepe ever! The guy didn’t really speak English so I got to use my amazing French skills. Lol I ordered a chocolate banana crepe and Brian got a chocolate crepe. Let me tell you, those crepes were amazing! They were so delicious.
We finished our crepes and then headed back to the train to head over to the Moulin Rouge. It was right there when we got off the train. I was so excited because I have seen that movie about ten times, I am not even joking. It is probably much nicer at night when it is lit up, but I am still thankful that I got to see it! We walked around that area for a bit and found that it was livelier than where we were staying. As we were walking around we passed four cross dressers (guys as girls) and Brian was taken back. I was just laughing because I am used to that, as I go to school at Purchase, which is basically half gay people. Anyway, after adventuring around there we took the metro to the Museé d’Orsay. This time we had to pay to get in, but it was worth it because everything inside that building was amazing. The sculptures, the paintings, the inside of the building in general, were just all so beautiful. It took a lot of pictures while in there.
We then decided to go see the catacombs, but we could not figure out where they were. Later on we found out that it closes around 5. We were looking for it around 7 so that was most likely why we could not find it. So, we headed back to the hostel as Emily had landed and was texting me. We waited for her in the bar area because you could see directly outside. She had to take a bus and then a taxi to get to us. She had a long day of traveling, but when she arrived I gave her a big hug, as it was so nice to finally see her!
We showed her the room and she put he stuff down and met our other roommate Claire. After she was settled the three of us went to get some dinner. We found this little pizza place that was empty and we had it all to ourselves. The lady who owned it spoke only French and had a baby in the back. You could hear the baby making noises. I ordered the best I could with my French. I must say it was nice being able to communicate with French even though I probably mutilated their language. The lady was really nice and understanding, which was helpful as well.
After dinner we walked back to the hostel and I went for a shower, which I was dreading. It was freezing cold and I had the goose bumps, but once actually in the shower and having the warm water on you it was not so bad, but I knew that when I had to get out that it would be cold again so I kept pushing the button. Oh yeah, to get the water you had to push a button like in a public bathroom for the sink. I kept pushing that button for a while. Ha ha. I finally grew the courage to get out, and I was instantly shivering. I got dried off really quick, threw my clothes on, put my hair up and hurried quickly back to the warm room. That was the only time I showered while I was there and it was an experience. It was halfway through the trip so I figured I would be good up until Sunday.
After I got dressed the three of us went and got a beer and chatted with each other. It was a bit awkward at times as Emily and Brian didn’t know each other and when you met someone knew you are sort of quite and don’t know what to say, but after about a whole day together that changed. After our beer we headed to bed as we had another early day tomorrow.
Day 3
Woke up around 9:45 this morning so we could arrive for our tour on time. Brian took a shower and came back in freezing cold. After he got dressed he said “So fresh and so clean,” and I started laughing. That is an inside joke with my friends from school at home. Once again it was snowing outside and colder than the day before so I made sure that I put on an extra layer. We got ready and took the metro to meet up with the tour group. The tour was free, which we loved and our tour guide was hilarious. She kept cracking jokes the whole time. It was really hard to concentrate because I was extremely cold, but when I was able to pay attention I learned some interesting things, such as when you see a statue of a person on a horse, the legs of the horse are significant. If all four are on the group the person died of natural causes, if two are raised and two on the group, the person was murdered, and if three are on the ground and one is raised, the person was killed in battle. Also gypsies exist! When we went to see Notre Dame, our guide told us that they would try to scam you so bad. We saw so many outside the church it was crazy!
Half way through the tour we stopped and got some lunch. We ate at this little sandwich shop and warmed up with hot chocolate. After that we met back up with the group and finished up the tour. We ended close to the Arc de Triumphe, which I wanted to see so after the tour ended we headed over there. The Arc is huge and on average there is an accident every half hour because it is a 12-way intersection with no lights what so ever. It is just a big circle with the Arc right in the middle. Car dealerships don’t give people insurance for going around that area. Crazy!
After that we got on the metro to head back to Notre Dame so we could go inside. The train was really crowded that when we were getting off at our stop Emily never made it off, so Brian and I stood on the platform and watched Emily wave and ride away on the train. It was hilarious. I texted her and told her to stay at the next stop. Brian and I got on the next train and then met up with Emily. We had a good laugh together, as well as the people on the train. Emily told us that there were tow ladies around here who figured out what happened and were laughing when she waved at us. Only Emily.
We made our way to the cathedral and waited on line to get in. This was also free to get in, which was great. Inside was beautiful with all the stained glass, paintings, and sculptures. I really wished the sun was out so we could have gotten the full affect of the stained glass, but oh well. After viewing the cathedral Brian and I got crepes and Emily got a crescent and then we headed back to the hostel for a quick nap.
We only took about an hour nap and left the hostel around 7 to go to the Eiffel Tower. On our walk over it sparkled! At night, at the top of every hour the Tower flashes lights, almost light a Christmas tree does. It is such a beautiful sight. We took pictures by it and then we headed directly under it. It is so big when you are right under it! We got on line to get our tickets to go to the top and that is when I broke my digital camera. I had it around my wrist, all excited to capture the moments at the top of the Eiffel Tower and when I took of my glove to blow my nose, my camera came off with it and fell to the ground. I pressed the power button and all seemed fine until I got the famous “Lens Error” warning on the screen. I knew right then and there that it was broke and that was the end of my digital camera. Brian tried to fix it, but I knew it was a goner. So I went into the little gift shop and bought a disposable camera for 18 Euro. That just added to the anger. And then we had to wait at then end of the line again because Emily and Brian were at the security point and didn’t want to go through without me so then got of line. Ugh I was so livid at this point. It just figures that my camera would break right when I was about to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Whatever. After being on line and chatting with the two of them I slowly got over it and the jokes began.
We got our tickets and waited to go to the top. We took on elevator to the second level and I thought we were at the top, but we were obviously not. Then we got in another elevator and took it to the top. That ride was nerve wrecking, because not only do I not like elevators, but also it took what felt like ever to get to the top. It was really high, windy and cold. Besides that it was so beautiful to get to over look Paris from the Eiffel Tower. While we were up there we saw someone get proposed to! It was so cute. I know it is so cliché to get proposed to at the top of the Eiffel Tower, but I still think it is romantic.
After being up there for a bit we rode the elevators back done and met up with Emily’s friend Katherine from home. She graduated with both of us from high school and is studying in France. She bought her friend Matt with her as well. We all sat down for dinner together and chatted. Matt told us all about the different things we could do while in Paris and when to go to certain places because things are free on certain days. I wish we knew that before we got to Paris. Oh well.
After dinner we parted ways and headed back to the hostel. Brian couldn’t find his metro stub so he just jumped the turnstile and away we went. Matt told him to do it because apparently people do it all the time, and they do because while in Paris I saw a whole bunch of people do it. We arrived back to the hostel to get some sleep, as tomorrow we have to be checked out by 11.
Day 4
Woke up at 8 to get ready for our day. Today was the first day we had breakfast at the hostel. They serve coffee, hot chocolate, orange juice, water, croissants, and bread with butter or jelly. After eating we checked out and then put our bags in the luggage room, as we did not want to carry them around all day with us.
We got on the train to make our way to Versailles. While we were waiting I noticed that in the vending machines the bottles are placed up side down instead of the regular way. I don’t know why they do that. Anyway, we got of at the wrong stop so we had to wait for about twenty minutes for the next train to come. We were only off by two stops. It was not bad waiting because today was the nicest day. The sun was shining! While we were on the train a guy came on and started playing the accordion. It reminded me of home because it is the same in the city.
We made it to Versailles and it was beautiful! The building was huge. It looks like it is just the building and some gardens but when you go inside and start walking around it is like a town in itself. The place is massive and you would definitely need a whole day to see everything. Emily and I got a ticket to go see the inside of the buildings and Brian went and ventured around the gardens as that’s what he is going to school for. We spent about three hours walking around and then we met up and got some food before heading back to the hostel to get our bags. We ate McDonalds, which was very crowded, but very nice. The inside was a lot nicer than the ones at home.
We got on the train and headed back to the hostel, hopping some turnstiles on the way. It is kind of dumb they have the tickets set up because you need the ticket to get out at your destination. You can get on the through all the turnstiles with the previous ticket that you bought, but when you get to your final destination you need a new ticket to get out. I really don’t know understand why they have it set up that way. It is just bizarre.
We reached the hostel and picked up our bags. We had some time to kill so we walked around town thinking that we would do some shopping, but apparently on Sunday shops are closed. I don’t know if it was because it was Sunday or because it was Valentines Day. Oh, I must say I didn’t even realize it was Valentines Day and it was probably the first time I liked Valentines Day. I really don’t like Valentines Day because I think it is just pointless. Why do people need a designated day to buy flowers, candy and tell the person they are with that they love them? People should do that on a normal basis. Whatever. Anyway, so since the stores were closed we got one last crepe. They are so delicious I wish I had a crepe maker so I could have one everyday! After the crepes we decided that we could not leave Paris without eating a baguette in the street. Honestly, I saw so many French people walking around with a baguette in the street all the time. They eat a full baguette for lunch right out of the bag while walking. It was quite funny.
We walked around a bit more and then headed to the train to make our way to the airport. We arrived with enough time to spare. This time when I went through security they searched my bag, figures. I forgot to take out my plastic bag from my actual bag. It was no big deal. I have nothing to hid so he searched my bag and everything was fine, so I put everything back and we headed over to our gate. Brian did some homework, Emily did some reading, and I slept while waiting. We boarded the plane and I am pretty sure we all took a nap on the plane; I mean I know I did. With the time change we really didn’t lose any time. We left Paris at 8:30 and arrived in Leeds at 8:30. How funny is that!?
Coming back into England they asked a lot of questions in customs, but we got through fine. It was Emily’s first time in England so she was excited. Plus in Ireland she is surrounded by all country so she was thrilled to be in a city environment.
We took a taxi back and then got ready to go to a Valentines Day party. Before we left I got a nosebleed because I had been blowing my nose all trip because I had a stuffy nose the whole time I was in Paris. It eventually ended and then Emily and me headed over to the party. I was excited because Emily got to meet everyone that I hang out with. Actually these were all the international students I hang out with. She met all my British friends the nest night.
The party was fun. Emily met a good hand full of the people I hang out with. After we came back and Emily was so tired that she passed right out. I wound up talking to a friend on skype and then I went to sleep.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Sounds like a great trip Michelle.