Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 23

Today was a pretty frustrating day even though I had off from class. Woke up around 11:30 so I would not miss the redelivery of my package. Needless to say it never came. I called them after putting more money on my phone which was a hassle because my card was not working and I had to call my bank to fix that problem in order to put more money on my card, but I could not call my bank due to the fact that I had no money on my card. Needless to say nothing is every easy and it is always a task. Thanks to my mom, I got more money on my card and then I called my bank to straighten everything out and then called the post office. I told the bank for the third time that I was studying abroad and would be using my card in the UK until the end of May. Who knows how many other times I will have to tell them that. I understand it is for security purposes, but it is getting a bit ridiculous now. Then I called the post office to see when I would be getting the redelivery of my package. The lady had no idea what time it would get here. She said sometime between noon and 7. That is a big time window. So basically I stayed in all day doing homework and waiting for my package, which never came! Now I have to wait until Monday when I get back from Paris to pick up my package. Another hassle.
Anyway, I leave for Paris in a couple of hours and I am really excited! I cannot wait to spend these four days with two of my favorite people. Plus I get to spend Valentines Day in the most romantic place on Earth! I am so excited. It should be an adventure though as we have no idea where we are going. We are basically going to look like typical tourists.
Also, we are staying in a hostel, which should be interesting as well.
As for tonight, I went out with my flat mates because they were really excited when they asked if I was coming out and got all upset when I said no. Lets just say I have a soft spot for them, and I had to go out with them. We had fun together, as we always do. My next blog will be on Sunday when we return home.  

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