Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 20

Saturday night was my first time out without Brain, which was weird, but the night was crazy! Before we left to go out all of us were in the kitchen jamming out to my flat mates spinning. They are really good. I could listen to them spin all day. At around 11 we all headed out to Metropolis, which is a three level nightclub that plays different techno on each floor. It was absolutely awesome. I have never been to anything like that before, but I would definitely do it again! We all came back here after and the party basically continued here. Then as everyone began to leave all the rest of us all snuggled up in Ash’s room and just stayed up the whole night talking and relaxing. At around 11am I fell asleep for a bit and then some went to get some food. I woke up when they came back and then we all basically just stayed in the room all day, just relaxing with each other. I was really quite nice and relaxing. I took a shower at around 5 and then got some food with Brian and the twins. When I came back here I found everyone as I left them lol. I hung out with them a little more then took a nap. At around 11 the twins and me went over to Brian’s to watch the Superbowl over the internet, but it was such a hassle because it kept breaking up and the quality was just horrible. I left at half time and then went to bed. 

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