Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 14

Last night I didn’t sleep so well, I usually don’t. It’s either I am hot or cold or I hear my roommates or the doors slamming or I just toss and turn. I was awoken around 9:30 when I heard one of my roommates flipping out because he locked himself out of his room. It was quite entertaining; I am not going to lie. Luke eventually got let into his room. I fell back to sleep for another hour and a half and then I got up and showered and got ready for class. I sometimes get lost in the conversations during my tutorial because sometimes I can’t quite understand what someone says due to their accent. I try my best to really listen and figure it out. I’m sure that I will not have this problem towards the end of my studies here. I also find it strange to hear them bring America up in topic. Not that I feel like they are singling us out, but when certain examples come up it is just weird to hear them say in America this happened or this person did this. Most of the people in my classes don’t know I am from America, but it is just weird when they call home America or the States. I find it even more bizarre when I have to say I am from America or the States. I have never had to do that before.
In between classes I walked back to my flat and cooked myself a grilled cheese for lunch. I washed some of the dishes and put my laundry away. At around 3:30 I got ready and walked back to my lecture at 4. After lecture class ended I met up with Brian and we went to the store to get him a comforter. While we were there I got myself a cheap blow dryer and hair straightener. We got our stuff at this store called Argos. It is a really awesome store. You go in and there are these catalogues throughout the store. You go to one of the stands and look through the catalogue for what you want. You then write down the number of the item and plug it into this little device on the stand to see if it is in stock. After that you get on line to pay for your item. On your receipt you have a ticket number and a collection point. After you pay you proceed to the area where you pick up your items. You wait until your number is called and once it is called you go to your pick up area and collect your purchase. It was really cool! After that experience we stopped in Morrisons to get some things for dinner. It was not that bad because we knew what we needed and were in and out.
Brian and I made dinner again. Tonight we had these spicy chicken patties and potatoes. It was not so bad. Nothing compared to a home cooked meal though. After dinner I finished up some homework and then went over to Brians to watch some Entourage. Now I am off to bed since tomorrow is my longest day.

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