Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 17

Before class yesterday, I stopped by HSBC in town to see if they could help me with my banking situation. Apparently they can’t look up my account because they are not connected with the banks over in the states so they can’t get access to my account. Go figure. So I went to class and then in between my classes I tried to call again. I got through, but then the woman redirected me to a voice recording because I gave her my debit number. I didn’t realize that I had to give my credit card number. Now I am just annoyed and frustrated because I have to use my card and I just want to the hold to be lifted. So I called back and this time I gave her the correct number and she redirected me to another woman who helped me and took the hold off my account. Basically when I use my card and no one is in the office to see the side note on my account about me being abroad, I am pretty sure a hold will be put on my account.
After class I walked back to my room do just relax. Brian came over because he had to use my computer since his was not working. He was skyping with a Dell representative to try and fix it. I basically just laid in my bed and read. Then I took a nap and when I woke up Brian was still working on his computer with the guy. He was on with him for about an hour and a half or so. Needless to say his computer works now!
After that we cooked dinner and then got ready for the night. It was a pretty fun night. We all wound up at some house party. It was so much because they had all the dj equipment set up in the kitchen. I love how I am always surrounded by people who spin! 

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