Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 36

Even though I went to bed at a somewhat decent time I almost missed my management accounting tutorial. I planned to get up early to do some work before the class and but I kept hitting snooze on my alarms and wound up falling back to sleep to only wake up around 8:40, having to be in town by 9 for my tutorial. I got dresses quickly and then headed out the door around 8:45ish. Remember that the walk to class is about a 15-minute walk at a normal pace. I basically was speed walking all the way to class, but I didn’t care because I made it there with a minute to spare. After class ended I went to the library to do some work and kill time in between my two classes. When the time came I got a mocha latte and then headed over to my next tutorial.
After my tutorial I went to the post office to mail home a little package and then I stopped by Morrisons to pick up some food. Then I headed back to my flat. I hung around a little bit and then went back into town for my gym induction at 5:30. After that I worked out and then came back to eat a little something and shower.
Everyone met up and then we all headed over to the Eldon. We met up with our new friends from the London trip and also hung out with my flat mates who came as well. After the Eldon closed around one, some of us went back to a friends flat to hang out. It was a fun night with everyone. 

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