Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 22

Yesterday was a long day. Got up, showered and then headed to class at 9. My lecture classes are really boring and basically pointless because everything that is talked about is put up online and I can view it whenever I want. Anyway, after my third class I headed back to my room and cooked some lunch. I wound up talking to one of my friends from school right before I had to go back to class and I did not want to leave the conversation to go to my last class, but I did. That conversation pretty much made my day.
On the way back to class it was kind of misting out, which is just my luck, but it was not that bad. This is another boring lecture class about management accounting. This is going to be my most challenging class because it is the third level and the professor always refers back to MA2 and even MA1, which I didn’t take so I have to do some studying for this class. After class I stopped by the library to print some things out and then I came back to my room. I chatted with friends via skype, put some laundry on, and had some dinner. Brian then came over and we talked about our trip tomorrow, which we are really excited about! We then met up with the rest of the group and headed over to the bar for international night. It was really crowded and I just ordered my drink as I get a text from Brian and the twins saying that they want to go across the street to the other bar. I couldn’t go cause I just paid for my drink. Then I had no more money left on my phone so I could not text them back to let them know to just go, and then they thought I was mad at them and it was just a big hassle. Needless to say they went, and I wound up just going back to my room to finish some laundry, relax and watch some entourage. It was just what a needed. Of course once they were back the three of them were knocking on my door. Lol. It was only around 12:30 at this point, but still funny. We all wound up hanging out for a bit longer and then Brian and I finished watching Entourage and then he left to go watch the basketball game at 2. Ha-ha Purdue won. 

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