Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 32

Last night the four of us decided to go out and dance. We had so much fun dancing and laughing, until I fell and landed on my bad knee. The floor was soaking wet and slippery because of all the drinks that people spill on it that when dancing I took one wrong move and down I went landing directly on my knee. Right there and then I knew that something was wrong because I felt it. I could walk and everything, but I was just so worried about my knee because I had no idea what was wrong. Brian and the twins assisted me back to my room. As I was changing into my pajamas I realized that my knee was a little swollen and you could see a little blood. It is almost like a burst a blood vessel on something right on my scar. I truly hope that is all it is. Anyway, they got me set in bed with ice packs and everything. I was so worried about my knee that I cried from the taxi ride home until I was asleep. I just had all these negative thoughts running through my head. Brian stayed night and slept on the floor. He asked if I wanted him to stay. I felt bad saying yes, but I truly felt more comfortable with someone with me. He is such a great friend I honestly have no idea what I would have done if I never met him.
In the morning I thought it was all a dream, but when I woke up with my knee brace on I knew that it really did happen. I just laid there in disappointment, as I could not believe after a little bit over a year out of surgery something like this happened. And it is not even like I am home to deal with it. Brian woke up and we talked about what I should do. I didn’t want to go to the doctor because I was afraid of what they would tell. I was also really nervous to call home having to tell my mom what I did, but I knew that I had to because she always tells me to do what is best. Since I am going to be away in London for the weekend and I didn’t want to wait until Monday to find out what was wrong with my knee I decided to go to the doctor. I called my mom to explain what happened. My heart was racing and I was so nervous to tell her. She was fine when I told her, but I could tell that she was still a bit upset.
After getting off the phone I iced my knee while I looked up where to go to get it checked out. I found a walk in clinic that dealt with minor injuries. Brian said that he was going to come with me where ever I was going, so once I knew I told him and he come over. We got in the taxi and headed to the clinic.
It didn’t take as long as I thought it was going to. They took down my information, asked me what happened, took an x-ray of my knee, and then told me the results. All in all it was about an hour trip. The doctor said that it does not seem to be anything serious and that I must have just landed on it quite hard and irritated it, but I have some doubts still. I don’t know why I do, but I do. So, when I get back from London I am going to make an appointment to meet with the sports therapist on campus.
On our way back from the clinic we stopped in to town so that I could get a new digital camera for this weekend. I got a Kodak Easy Share and I hope that this one will last a while. After getting that we stopped, by a clothing store so Brian could pick up a shirt, and then Morrison’s so I could get a little wrap for my knee, since I am going to be walking on it all weekend. After all that we walked back home and then got ready to go to dinner with the twins. We just went to TGI Fridays, which was really good. After dinner I showered and am now getting ready for my trip to London.
The next post will be when I get back and pictures of both Paris and London will be up around that time as well. 

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