Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 30

Last night was fun. Me, Brian and the twins all hung out in my room for a bit and then went over to the bar. The bar was not that crowded because we got there kind of late. I only had one drink while there and then we headed back home.
This morning I was woken by our bell ringing. You have to ring the number of the apartment you want to be let into if you don’t live in the building. We hear it in our flat hallway and then we answer the phone to see who it is. If we know who it is we push the button the let them in. I knew exactly who it was going to be because I have been waiting for this package today. I hopped up out of bed and answered the phone. It was the delivery guy so I buzzed him in. I went downstairs and got my package! I was excited because I had no idea what this packaged contained. I opened it and the first thing I saw were the Wasabi Peas! I love those. It also contained heresy kisses for Valentines Day, gum, more popcorn, and a picture of the family. Last time I talked to my mom I told her I did not have a printed picture of the family to hang on my wall, so she remembered and sent me one. Lol She is too funny. It is already hanging on my wall.
The boys are still in the room and some have not slept since Monday. I don’t know how they do it, but I went in and offered everyone a Hershey’s Kiss. The first sentence I hear is, “What is that?” I knew someone was going to say that. I just chuckled and explained. They all enjoyed them though. After that I got all caught up with my blogging and putting pictures up on Facebook. All that took a good three hours.
After doing all of that I had a little something to eat, took a quick shower and headed downstairs to hang out with Brian. We watched an episode of Entourage and then met up with the twins to go see the movie Avatar. We all walked into town together, got our tickets and found our seats. I had already seen the movie, but it was so good that I didn’t mind seeing it again. Plus, it is amazing in 3D. The cool thing was that we actually got to keep our 3D glasses! After the movie we headed home. Of course it was snowing on our walk home. I swear, the weather is always crappy when I have to walk anywhere, but then again I am in England. We parted ways when we got back and then I did a little bit of work and headed to bed. 


JFe said...

Did I miss the "Paris" blog?

l, Aunt Joanne xoxooxoxoxoxooxo

P.S. Uncle Willie to Michelle, "I love you."

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

The Paris post is there. Just scroll down the page a bit and you will find it.

Love you both!