Monday, February 22, 2010

Foggy London Town!

Day 33
 Today I woke up around 6am to meet up with Brian at 6:20. Got my stuff ready, met up with Brian and then we walked over to the bus station. Stopped at a cash point along the way so I had money on me.  We met up with the group and got on the bus.
We knew a couple of people from uni who were going, but everyone else we did not know. On the bus we got clementines and bananas for breakfast. Brian has never had a clemetine before and he also had never peeled an orange before. He told me that he has always just cut the oranges instead of peeling, but when the clementine was finished he was very pleased. While on the bus there were some games that were played, but other than that I slept for most of it. We stopped half way through to get some food. As we were waiting we played some Uno to pass the time by, since we stopped for 45 minutes. At around noon we arrived in London, but we hit traffic due to roadwork and we moved about a mile in an hour. It was ridiculous and was holding us up so we all got off the bus and walked the rest of the way to the hostel. It was not that far and plus the sun was shining. We reached the hostel, which was really nice. It was a lot nicer than the one we stayed in at Paris. Anyway, everyone hit the bathroom and then we began to leave for our little tour. As we were about to leave the bus arrived, so then we all unloaded our bags and put them in the baggage room since our rooms were not ready yet. After that was finished we began our tour.
There was about 40 of us so it took some times getting around from place to place which was annoying, but it was nice to have a guide to tell us where we were going and showing us how to get there. Everyone got there tube tickets and then we departed saw Big Ben, the London Eye, the London Bridge, and Buckingham Palace. Everything was really amazing to see. We didn’t go into anything, which I was ok with. I was content with just taking pictures of everything. I got to see the guards who stand by the palace! I really wanted to try and make them move or laugh, but the closest you could get to them was about 30 feet. It was still exciting to see! The tour ended in China town since we were meeting up there for dinner, our guide showed us where the restaurant was located.
After our little tour everyone had some free time to go out on his or her own. Brian and I walked around China town for a bit and then headed over to Harrods because everyone has told me to go there. It is really just like a big Macy’s in New York City. Personally, it was not a store for me because I am not a big person of labels so Brian and I found ourselves on the toy level and just played around and took funny pictures. After, that we headed back into China town and met up with everyone at the restaurant for dinner. The place was packed, but our guide said it was the best. We thought we were going to have to wait a long time, but we actually got seated quite quickly, which was surprising since we had a party of about 35. Anyway, everyone got seated and I wound up meeting more new people. Actually Brian and I found out that two of the girls at our table where on the same free tour that we did in Paris. They go to Leeds University, but that is literally right next to Leeds Met.
After dinner most of us went back tot hostel. I took a quick shower and then headed downstairs to the bar to meet up with everyone. I was planning on just relaxing and going to bed early, but apparently a whole bunch of us were getting taken out to a bar by the bartender who worked at the hostel. So, around 12 we headed out to the bar and had a blast. The guy who worked at the hostel that took us out, called me captain for the night. Ha ha. I have no idea why, but it was hilarious and when he found out that I was from New York he gave me a big hug and bought me a drink. Lol. He was funny. Everyone had a great night and we didn’t get back until 3. Lots of laughs were had.

Day 34
 Our tour began at 9 this morning. You could tell who went out last night because everyone was riding the struggle bus. It was quite funny. I was just tired, but other than that I was fine. Once everyone was gathered together we headed out. It was raining out today, which was miserable, but we made the best of it. We spent most of our time in Camden, which I absolutely love! It is basically a market area. It is like a canal street, but except that is how the whole area is. I could have spent all day there. I was with a bunch of people as we were walking around, but I saw many shops that I wanted to go into, so I just told them that I would meet up with them later. I knew where the meeting point was and what time we had to meet there so I figured I would just venture out on my own and I am glad I did because I could go around and do my own thing. I really wish we had more time there. I bought a football jersey (I have always wanted one, but I don’t have a specific team I root for so I got one from Liverpool because it says Carlsberg on the front and Brian and I always drink Carlsberg, but I know when I go home my friends are going to yell at me because they are Manchester fans), two CDs, a crepe for myself and something for Cheryl.
The rain eventually stopped while in Camden, which was nice because then we headed over to China town to see the Chinese New Year celebration. While in the underground I realized that people in London are quite rude. They are used to it being very crowded and just push right by you, and I mean literally push or just move you out of the way without saying excuse me. At least in New York people will say excuse me or sorry, but not in London.
The Chinese celebration was kind of boring. We saw some dragon dancers which was really cool, but other than that it was just a massive crowd of people try to fight for a view of the stage area. We were really not in the mood to battle the crowds so the group I was with decided to head over to King’s Cross Station. Yes, this is where Harry Potter got on the train at platform 9 ¾. After that we decided to go to the British Museum. It was so big and beautiful. We only had about an hour and then we had to head back, but we saw some pretty cool things while there. I wish we had more time there as well. ON the train ride back I was so tired that I fell asleep and started doing the head bob. Brian of course took a video of it and when I woke up I saw him with his camera and knew exactly what he did. Everyone was laughing. I am glad I can be humorous to all.
We arrived back to the hostel, got out bags and then began our venture back to Leeds. Once again we stopped half way to get some food and then we arrived back in Leeds around 9. I got some things together for school, chatted with a friend from home on skype and then watched some entourage with Brian and Valentina (she is one of the twins). After two episodes I came back to my room, unpacked and chatted with my mom on skype. After that I got some sleep.

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