Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All Over

My experience in Leeds is something that I will never forget. The time I was there and the people that I met really helped my grow into the person that I presently am. I may not seem different, but I feel different. I feel that traveling to an unfamiliar place not knowing anyone really helps you grasp hold of the person you really are as an individual. Everyone should get a chance to experience this, but it is unfortunate that most will not due to the fact that everything is based on money. Everyone is not capable of affording an amazing experience as this, but I am totally grateful that I was able to. If it was not for my parents I have no idea what I would have done. I truly appreciate them letting me study abroad for a semester. As for the people that I met there, some I will probably never see again which is very sad because they are amazing and we had some amazing times together. Others I know that I will see again and will be life long friends with! I will never forget anyone and everyone will always be in my memories. It seems unreal to me, but I am so glad that I got to take this opportunity. If I am able to afford a trip back to Leeds I am most certainly going to go back and see everyone that made my time there unforgettable. Thank you!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Woohoo.....glad you are on US ground. Welcome home.