Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 114

After I got dressed and was functioning I went downstairs to meet up with Marieta to go into town. She had to go to a couple of places before we went to the gym. I was not really feeling myself while we were walking around and by the time we got to the gym I felt like crap and not myself at all. I was ready to just leave and go back home, but Marieta said that sometimes working out helps you feel better as you sweat things out, so I gave it a try. It helped a bit, but I still felt like crap. After about twenty minutes I had to leave, so I got dressed and walked back to my flat. It was the slowest I have ever walked back. I just felt non functional. When I got to my flat I changed and crawled into bed. I slept for about three hours hoping that when I woke up I would feel better, but I still didn’t feel myself. I took a shower and then headed downstairs to have dinner with Marieta and Brian. That was a task because I have these cuts on the sides of my mouth that open up every time I eat, laugh or smile. I could barely open my mouth because I didn’t want them to re-open so I had to take little bits. After dinner I headed back upstairs to do s bit more revision. Brian and Marieta wanted to go to the Eldon for a drink, but I was not feeling up to it at all and I just told them to go without me, but of course they came knocking on my door and told me to get ready. The fresh air did me some good, but I was still not feeling myself. 

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