Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 129

We woke up at seven to get our stuff ready and head over to the train. On our walk over to the train this beggar came over to us and began asking Brian for money. He actually walked with us and continuously asked for money. He asked Brian for change multiple times, asked him to check is pockets and is wallet for chance. After Brian said no every time, the guy told Brian to find him change. Brian told him to find his own change. At this point Brian was getting really annoyed with the guy and kept asking him to leave him alone. The guy kept walking with us and kept asking for money. Brian kept saying I have no change. The guy then said, “Ok, give me five euro.” Brian said he needed it for the train and told the guy to leave him alone in a very angry voice. The guy then started walking with another guy walking in the opposite direction. That poor soul had no idea what was coming to him. After that whole fiasco, we got to the train station and caught the 7:40 train to the airport. At the airport we checked in, went through security, boarded the flight and were on our way back to Leeds. It was funny because our flight was at 9:30 and landed in Leeds at 9:45. You have to love the time differences. I slept the whole flight, as I was exhausted from the past two days. Getting back into England was a hassle. The guy asked me so many questions, such as “How long are you here for?” “Why are you here?” “What’s your purpose here for the last two days?” “When are you leaving?” “Where are you flying out from?” The girl before me was being detained, as the guy didn’t like how she was cooperating and answering her questions. Of course that was the same guy that I got. When we walked out of customs and everything and through the doors where everyone waits for their family members I got all excited, as in two days that would be me walking through the doors at JFK and seeing my family waiting for me! When I got back to my room I put laundry in down at the twins, as my machine was in use. I then had some cereal, took a shower and went for a nap. After my nap I got dressed for the night and then went downstairs to make pasta for everyone while they were getting ready to go out. The four of us went out to Oceana together one last time. After we got back I went over to Andy’s flat to hang out with him and Steph. Steph actually came from York for the night to see me before I left for home. After hanging out with them for a while I began to fall asleep and decided it was time to go to bed so I went over to mine and got some sleep.

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