Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 130

Tomorrow I go home!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! I have been talking about this day for the past week! It is bittersweet leaving, but I am so ready to go home. Of course the fire alarm woke me up at 9:30, but it is the last time that it will happen. I was too excited to go back to sleep, so I had some breakfast. Steph rang me about ten minutes after I was up to have some tea. She came up and we chatted over some tea. She then left to get a quick nap before she headed back to York for work. After she left I was in my room getting ready to head into town, but I wound up talking to a friend from home for about an hour. He had just gotten in from being out all night. Time differences are strange. Here I am starting my morning and he is just ending his night. After we chatted for about an hour I headed into town to get some last minute things. I got Dad a shirt and some clothes for myself at Primark. I also picked up some England candy to take home with me. When I got back to my flat Steph stopped by to say goodbye, as this was the last time we would be seeing each other for a while. After Steph left I began to pack my stuff up. After doing that for a while I went downstairs for a break and to hang out with Marieta before she left for work. After she left for work I went back upstairs to shower and continue packing. Then I went downstairs to have dinner one last time with Brian and Valentina. We had tacos. After dinner I went upstairs and put the rest of my things in the suitcases. Once I was officially done packing we went to the shop, picked up some beers and then started to drink and play beer pong in the kitchen. Ash had all his DJ stuff set up as well. It was nothing big, but it was nice to hang out with everyone for one last time. Luke had already left for home earlier, which was upsetting, but we said out goodbye earlier. It was sad saying goodbye to Luke, as he was always there for me whenever I needed him. While we were drinking with everyone Brian had to get his camera out of my room. I tossed him my keys to unlock my door, but he came back in the kitchen saying that it was not working. It turns out that my lock was acting up again as it did one other time. It would beep green, but it would not open. At this point it is eleven at night on a Friday. All my luggage is in my room and my flight is tomorrow! If I can’t get into my room I am so screwed. Of course I had no more money left on my phone so I could not call UPP. Luckily Ash and Brian let me use their phones to phone UPP. At first I could not get in touch with them but after about a half hour, I called again and got them. They arrived about twenty minutes later and I got let into my room. He could not fix the lock so he just told me to leave the dead bolt on so that it would not lock me out again. That is exactly what I did while I was in my flat. Before everyone left to go out and such, they all gave me a going away card. It was a big card and was signed by most of the people that I met while I was in Leeds. I was not expecting that at all and it was so nice of everyone to do that. I love that card so much! After everyone left my flat I took all my luggage downstairs to the twins since I was spending the night with them anyway and this way I would not have to worry about my door locking me out again. After everything was moved out of my flat I got ready for bed. Brian, Valentina and myself waited for Marieta to get home and once she did we all chatted for a bit and then fell asleep. I slept in the bed with Marieta and Brian and Valentina slept on the floor. 

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Sounds like you have memories for a lifetime. It was so much fun reading your entries. Thanks for sharing and safe trip home to the good old US OF A.