Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 126

Happy Birthday to my Dad! I sent him a birthday card via e-mail. He really appreciated it. I wish could have been there to celebrate his birthday with him as well.
Today I got up early, as I had to get some things done in town before I leave for Amsterdam tomorrow! I was up around 9:30 and got my stuff ready for the gym. I stopped by the bank to get some traveling money and then went over to the Car Phone Warehouse to top-up my phone. The least amount I could put on was five pounds and for the last couple of days I will be in Leeds was not really worth it to me, so I just left it. I can handle not being able to call or text anyone for a week. Although it was nice because people could still call me. After that I went to the gym and then over to the library to print off out boarding passes. Of course I needed Brian and my passport and didn’t have them with me so I had to go back to the library later on. After that I headed back to my flat had some lunch and then the four of us went to the park. It was nice out, but a bit chilly with the wind and clouds. Some other people from Woodhouse showed up and hung out with us. I wound up taking a little nap in the park. It was quite nice. After the park I went back to eat my leftover Chinese. After eating I headed back over to the library to print off our tickets for tomorrow. I had all the information this time so it was easy. Then I headed back to my room to shower and get ready to go out to Oceana with everyone. Before we headed out we played some beer pong. While we were at the club the duplicates almost got into a little tiff with some English girl. Marieta and myself were dancing on the dance floor by the DJ and Brian and Valentina were chatting at a table. Some girl went up to Marieta and said something to her. Of course Marieta had no idea what she said to her because the music is so loud, so we just ignored her and kept dancing. She came back again and said something else. This time she was a bit nasty. I could tell by her facial expression and Marieta was not happy. Then her friends started to come over and words were being exchanged. I got in the middle and said, “We are just trying to have a good time.” They backed off a bit, but once Marieta told Valentina what happened, that was it. Valentina stormed on the dance floor and started yelling at this girl. Now the twins are not troublemakers at all, but I learned from that night that if someone messes with one of them the other is going to be protective. They are very protective of each other, which is nice. Anyway, before anything could happen security made the girl leave the dance floor. She was not shy leaving as on her way out shit flipped the twins the finger. Later the three of us went to the toilet and I had a little chat with them. The girl was looking for trouble and wanted to wind up Marieta and Valentina, which she did. She wanted them to get all angry and in her face. I told them to knock it off and don’t let her get what she wants. They agreed and we went back on the dance floor to dance. Of course when the girl and her friends came back to dance they had to dance right by us. I kept my back to that group and had the twins in front of me so I could see them. One of the friends started to dance in my space and her back started pushing up against mine, but I did not budge. I completely ignored her and kept dancing. It turns out that the whole thing was over us being in their dancing space. It’s a free country and I am pretty sure we can dance where every we want on the dance floor. She was obviously just looking to start trouble. Besides that we had a fun night. I got upset when we left because I had to say my first goodbye. Granted I was a bit drunk and I was saying goodbye to the guy who I thought was a bit cute. I cried a bit on the taxi ride home as I didn’t realize how hard it was saying goodbye to just one person, I could not even imagine how it was going to be to say goodbye to everyone. By the time we got back and I got into bed it was around three in the morning and I had to be up in an hour to travel to Amsterdam.

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