Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 124

Today was another beautiful day outside. A bunch of us lay outside in the park and got some sun. The guys played basketball and football and the girls just soaked up the rays. I got a bit of color.  When I went to go back to my room to shower I could not get into my room. My key was not working. It worked getting into the building and into my flat but when I tried it on my room it would just flash red and then green and not open. So I called UPP and it took them an hour to arrive. So I went over to Brian’s and hung out with him until I saw UPP arrive. The man let me into my room and then changed the battery in my door for the lock. It worked after that! A bunch of us planned to go to the Eldon at seven to watch a football match. It was a big game for our German friends. I wanted to shower before I went, but by the time UPP arrived and let me into my room there was no time. So I met up with Brian and then we headed over to the Eldon to meet everyone else ad watch the game. I was so tired that I started falling asleep at the pub watching the game. Of course Brian caught me and was getting his video ready on his camera. He loves catching those moments of me. I left at half time to shower and take a quick nap. I set my alarm for nine, but I wound up sleeping until eleven. I got woken up by Brian calling me and telling me to get outside and come drink with them. So I got dressed, grabbed my wine and went out back to play cards with some people. It was still so nice outside. By the time I got in and ready for bed it was about two in the morning. 

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