Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 116

Today I woke up and still felt like crap. I was all achy and breathing really heavy. My lower back and neck where stiff as well. I have not felt myself for the past couple of days so I decided it was time to go to the GP. Marieta came with me as I felt I would not make it myself. Even though the GP was right in town I knew I could not make the walk so I rung a taxi. Sitting in the waiting room I looked pale and felt like death. I was all clammy and had the chills and was not breathing normal. When the GP saw me I had a 100 fever and my heart rate was 121. I was not too sure what the heart rate meant since I don’t really know what your normal heart rate should be, but the GP was quite worried about it. She also found some blood and something else in my urine. Needless to say she was worried about me and didn’t want to leave me stranded over the weekend so she sent me to the infirmary. They rung me a taxi and I went off to the infirmary. Marieta had to go to work so I was on my own. I arrived at the infirmary and walked down to ward 38. The walk down the hallway was a task and it was creepy as well. I almost felt like I was in a mental institution. It was just really strange and was quite different than the hospitals from home. They took blood samples and did a heart test. While there were doing this Brian showed up. Marieta had been texting him and before I went into the infirmary I called him and told him what was going on. I told him he didn’t have to come, but of course I knew he was going to because that is just the person that he is. When the lady was getting ready to do my heart test I kicked Brian out of the little curtain area, as I had to take off my shirt. We had a laugh about it, and the nurse asked me who he was and if we were together, Always love that question. After the nurse finished Brian came back in and we waited to see what was going on. They were quite concerned about my throat because my tonsils were enlarged, but they are huge in general. They basically just told me to drink some tea and honey or lemon and honey and if it does not get better by Monday to go back to the GP. When I left the infirmary I actually felt myself and had an appetite. AT this point I really had not eaten anything besides some spoonfuls of soup. Brian and I got some cheeseburgers and fries, which was probably a bad idea but I thought everything had passed, but I was wrong. After eating I went back upstairs to watch some more movies. I watched Night at the Museum 2 and Ice Age 3. After the movies I went to sleep because I started to get the chills. I woke up in the middle of the night burning up and very weak. I felt so sick. I called Marieta and she came up to stay with me. When I went to answer the door for her I almost passed out in the hallway, but the wall caught me. I felt like death and I had no idea what to do, so I did what any sick person would do. I called my mom. It was about 5am by me and about midnight at home. I got the answering machine and began to leave a crying message. My mom soon picked up and I just started crying even more on the phone with her. She soon got on skype so I could see her and we chatted for a while until I calmed down. Marieta had some medicine that she had taken over with her from Bulgaria, as her mom is a nurse. We skyped with her mom a whole bunch of times as well since she knew what would be best. After I got off skype with my mom I got some sleep. IT was hard at first as I was burning up and had the chills, but I eventually fell asleep. 

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