Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 111

Slept in again today. Watched more HIMYM and read some of the book I am reading. Brian and I went downstairs to have lunch with Marieta as she was having a rough day without her sister. After lunch Brian went back to his work, Marieta took a nap before she had to go to work and I went back upstairs to continue watching HIMYM. I also booked my flight to Amsterdam!!!!!! I am so excited! At around 10:30 Brian and I went over to the Eldon for a drink. We ran into a couple of the guys at the pub and they were all pretty drunk. We sat with them and had some laughs. Then I headed back to my room to read and surf the web as I have no more HIMYM left to watch. I finished all five seasons and it is kind of upsetting. Anyway, while I was surfing the web someone knocked on the door, but I just let Luke get it as I figured it was for him. It was Jamie and he came inside in an uproar and sobbing a bit. Then he left and I heard Luke go after him saying, "Jamie talk to me." I had no idea what was going on, but I figured it had to do with how drunk Jamie was. I heard them go downstairs and then I heard some doors slamming, and lots of yelling happening. Then there was a knock on the door about ten minutes later. It was Jamie still upset. He sat in front of Luke's room in the hallway as Luke was not in. I sat down and tried to find out what happened, but he just wanted to be left alone so I went back into my room. I heard him sobbing in the hallway and I had no idea what to do so I texted Luke to come back up. Luke came in and I asked if everything was ok and Luke said everything is ok. After Luke chatted with Jamie for a bit and then took him back down to his flat, Luke explained when he came back. It was just a drunken dispute between Jamie and Tom, but everything was ok. I was just concerned because I had no idea what happened, but everyone has drunken disputes. After that I headed to bed as tomorrow I was starting to revise for my exams.

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