Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 104

During the middle of the night I caught Marieta smiling in her sleep and then she stroked my arm and then that was it. I asked her in the morning what she dreamt about, but she said she didn't remember. I then told her what she did and she laughed.
We woke up around twelve with the twins. Brian left around ten to get some things done. Then I went upstairs and did nothing all day once again. It was another crappy day out. I watched HIMYM once again. Then I went downstairs to bake another cake. This time I was determined to get it right. Of course the measurements through me off, but I solved that with the Internet. It still didn't seem like cake batter mix so we decided we would try cookies. Of course the cookies tasted like cake, but it was a little better than last time. After that we made some dinner. Brian was on cooking duty and made us tacos. They were delicious. After that we watched a movie. The twins had never seen the whole Dark Night so we watched that. We were bored so we decided to go to the Eldon for one beer. This was going to be our last beer with Valentina as she is leaving tomorrow for Bulgaria. She is going back to do interviews and paperwork to hopefully get her green card! After we finished we all headed back to bed as we were all getting up early to see Valentina off.

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