Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 109

Fire alarm went off at it's normal time, but I am used to that by now. I was getting up early anyway since Marieta and myself were going in to town to do some shopping. It was nice spending time with Marieta and doing some shopping. We got free chocolate bars which was awesome. I also bought shoes for Kim, a shirt for Cheryl, a bathing suit and a skirt for myself. It was a successful shopping trip. It was funny because at one store Marieta got stuck in a shirt and I had to help her out of it. It was kind of a corset top, so it was a bit tricky. It was a good laugh though. One our way back we stopped at the library to print out vouchers for free entry to the club we were going to later. When we arrived back we had some lunch while skyping with Valentina and their Mom. After that I took a nap and then showered. Once dressed I headed downstairs to meet up with a couple of people since we were going out to TGIFriday's for dinner. It was Brian, Marieta, Julian, Emily, Amanda, and myself. We took a taxi over and got seated within ten minutes. Our waiter had this weird eye. His left eye pupil was really small compared to a normal one. He basically had a white eye with a dot of blue. It was really strange, but at the same time it did not affect how cute he was. He also had an adorable accent. We asked him later on where he was from. He was originally from Prague, but was doing his masters in Leeds and for the summer he was going to work at a TGIFriday's in Miami, Florida. He is very excited to go as he has never been to America before. He was really nice. After we did something that I never thought I would do anytime soon. We went to a CASINO! Yes, I went gambling at a casino. At first it didn't seem like it was going to happen because you had to be members to go inside, but it was free to join so of course we signed up. We also got a free ten pound voucher to use on black jack or roulette. I was so excited that I was going to be able to go into a casino. Once through the doors I saw all the flashing lights and heard all the sounds of the machines. It was very overwhelming and I had no idea where to go first. We decided to use our vouchers on the roulette table. The table we went to was empty except for this one guy on it. We all played and of course I lost. Some won. At the end of it Amanda wound up winning forty pounds with that ten pound voucher she got. I then watched as some were still playing. I was mainly watching that one guy who was shelling out twenty pound bills like they were singles. In the matter of the five minutes that I was watching the guy blew 300 pounds. I could not believe how fast you can lose so much money. I couldn't watch anymore so I decided to try a slot machine. All I wanted to do was pull the lever and watch it spin, but now you have to push a button on all of them. No fun. Anyway, I put a pound in one machine and was excited, but I had no idea how to play. It was so complicated with all the different symbols and everything so I just pushed the automatic start button and watched it spin and then it was over. My one pound was lost in a matter of seconds and I had one nothing. I could of spent the rest of the night there, but it was already 9:45 and we had to get ready to go out. Before we got the taxi I headed to the toilet. They were so cool because the seats had dice and cards put into them. It was like peeing on money, which is basically what everyone was doing out in the casino. Anyway, we got in the taxi and headed back to our rooms. I quickly got dressed and then met Marieta and Brian downstairs and headed off to Oceana. In order to get in free with our vouchers we had to get there before eleven. By the time we got there we had ten minutes to spare. We went up to the bar, got drinks and then relaxed and swapped stories until the place started to get busy. Downstairs they were playing the music that Marieta and myself enjoy and upstairs there were playing 80's music that Brian loves. So, we hung upstairs for a while. There was a bit of an older crowd there and a bunch of stag/hen parties going on. We actually made friends with some of the guys from the bachelor party and hung out with them the rest of the night. They had sock puppets and were quite funny. Once we had some alcohol in use we headed downstairs to do some dancing. At one point, some older woman came up to me asked me a question. I am pretty sure she asked if I was English, but at first I thought I heard her ask me if I was ignorant. Her friends were standing off to the side looking our way and whispering so I was a little skeptical as to why she came over to talk to us. I was not sure if she was trying to be friendly or is she was making fun of us. I will never know and that kind of bothers me. I really hope they were just curious as to where we were from. Whatever. At around 2:45 we called a taxi before it got busy. The place closed at three and we didn't want to have to wait forever for a taxi. Once back at our rooms, Brian wanted some garlic bread so I made put some in the oven. While we waited for it we watched an episode of HIMYM. Once the garlic bread was done we ate it and then Brian headed back to his flat to sleep. I changed and then headed to sleep myself. Overall it was a fun night!

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