Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 105

Woke up around 5:45 to get dressed and meet up with the twins and Brian to take Valentina to the train station. We all said goodbye to her as she left to head back to Bulgaria to hopefully get her green card. When I got back to my room I hopped back into bed and went back to sleep for another couple of hours. When I got up I had some breakfast and then met up with Marieat. We went into town to get her some work clothes and then looked around in some shops before she had to go to work. After she left I stopped by Morrisons to pick up some things that I needed. I then walked back, had some lunch and then watched an episode of HIMYM. After that I headed back into town to go to the gym, but it was closed since it was a bank holiday today. I should have figured. Instead, I went to the library to print some things off and then headed back to my room to watch some more episodes of HIMYM. Later that night Brian and I headed down to see Marieta as today was the first day of work for her and the first day without her sister. She was upset, but she was holding in there. After that I headed upstairs to get some sleep.

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