Monday, May 17, 2010


Sorry I have not update my blog in quite some time. I recently have been really sick and have not had the energy to do anything. I feel better now, but I have to focus on study for my final exam on Wednesday. After Wednesday and I will start posting again!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 111

Slept in again today. Watched more HIMYM and read some of the book I am reading. Brian and I went downstairs to have lunch with Marieta as she was having a rough day without her sister. After lunch Brian went back to his work, Marieta took a nap before she had to go to work and I went back upstairs to continue watching HIMYM. I also booked my flight to Amsterdam!!!!!! I am so excited! At around 10:30 Brian and I went over to the Eldon for a drink. We ran into a couple of the guys at the pub and they were all pretty drunk. We sat with them and had some laughs. Then I headed back to my room to read and surf the web as I have no more HIMYM left to watch. I finished all five seasons and it is kind of upsetting. Anyway, while I was surfing the web someone knocked on the door, but I just let Luke get it as I figured it was for him. It was Jamie and he came inside in an uproar and sobbing a bit. Then he left and I heard Luke go after him saying, "Jamie talk to me." I had no idea what was going on, but I figured it had to do with how drunk Jamie was. I heard them go downstairs and then I heard some doors slamming, and lots of yelling happening. Then there was a knock on the door about ten minutes later. It was Jamie still upset. He sat in front of Luke's room in the hallway as Luke was not in. I sat down and tried to find out what happened, but he just wanted to be left alone so I went back into my room. I heard him sobbing in the hallway and I had no idea what to do so I texted Luke to come back up. Luke came in and I asked if everything was ok and Luke said everything is ok. After Luke chatted with Jamie for a bit and then took him back down to his flat, Luke explained when he came back. It was just a drunken dispute between Jamie and Tom, but everything was ok. I was just concerned because I had no idea what happened, but everyone has drunken disputes. After that I headed to bed as tomorrow I was starting to revise for my exams.

Day 110

Slept until about two today. Then I ate something, showered and watched more HIMYM. Then at around ten I went over to my friends flat and we all hung out and drank a bit. When I was tired I headed back to my room and went to sleep. It was a lazy day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 109

Fire alarm went off at it's normal time, but I am used to that by now. I was getting up early anyway since Marieta and myself were going in to town to do some shopping. It was nice spending time with Marieta and doing some shopping. We got free chocolate bars which was awesome. I also bought shoes for Kim, a shirt for Cheryl, a bathing suit and a skirt for myself. It was a successful shopping trip. It was funny because at one store Marieta got stuck in a shirt and I had to help her out of it. It was kind of a corset top, so it was a bit tricky. It was a good laugh though. One our way back we stopped at the library to print out vouchers for free entry to the club we were going to later. When we arrived back we had some lunch while skyping with Valentina and their Mom. After that I took a nap and then showered. Once dressed I headed downstairs to meet up with a couple of people since we were going out to TGIFriday's for dinner. It was Brian, Marieta, Julian, Emily, Amanda, and myself. We took a taxi over and got seated within ten minutes. Our waiter had this weird eye. His left eye pupil was really small compared to a normal one. He basically had a white eye with a dot of blue. It was really strange, but at the same time it did not affect how cute he was. He also had an adorable accent. We asked him later on where he was from. He was originally from Prague, but was doing his masters in Leeds and for the summer he was going to work at a TGIFriday's in Miami, Florida. He is very excited to go as he has never been to America before. He was really nice. After we did something that I never thought I would do anytime soon. We went to a CASINO! Yes, I went gambling at a casino. At first it didn't seem like it was going to happen because you had to be members to go inside, but it was free to join so of course we signed up. We also got a free ten pound voucher to use on black jack or roulette. I was so excited that I was going to be able to go into a casino. Once through the doors I saw all the flashing lights and heard all the sounds of the machines. It was very overwhelming and I had no idea where to go first. We decided to use our vouchers on the roulette table. The table we went to was empty except for this one guy on it. We all played and of course I lost. Some won. At the end of it Amanda wound up winning forty pounds with that ten pound voucher she got. I then watched as some were still playing. I was mainly watching that one guy who was shelling out twenty pound bills like they were singles. In the matter of the five minutes that I was watching the guy blew 300 pounds. I could not believe how fast you can lose so much money. I couldn't watch anymore so I decided to try a slot machine. All I wanted to do was pull the lever and watch it spin, but now you have to push a button on all of them. No fun. Anyway, I put a pound in one machine and was excited, but I had no idea how to play. It was so complicated with all the different symbols and everything so I just pushed the automatic start button and watched it spin and then it was over. My one pound was lost in a matter of seconds and I had one nothing. I could of spent the rest of the night there, but it was already 9:45 and we had to get ready to go out. Before we got the taxi I headed to the toilet. They were so cool because the seats had dice and cards put into them. It was like peeing on money, which is basically what everyone was doing out in the casino. Anyway, we got in the taxi and headed back to our rooms. I quickly got dressed and then met Marieta and Brian downstairs and headed off to Oceana. In order to get in free with our vouchers we had to get there before eleven. By the time we got there we had ten minutes to spare. We went up to the bar, got drinks and then relaxed and swapped stories until the place started to get busy. Downstairs they were playing the music that Marieta and myself enjoy and upstairs there were playing 80's music that Brian loves. So, we hung upstairs for a while. There was a bit of an older crowd there and a bunch of stag/hen parties going on. We actually made friends with some of the guys from the bachelor party and hung out with them the rest of the night. They had sock puppets and were quite funny. Once we had some alcohol in use we headed downstairs to do some dancing. At one point, some older woman came up to me asked me a question. I am pretty sure she asked if I was English, but at first I thought I heard her ask me if I was ignorant. Her friends were standing off to the side looking our way and whispering so I was a little skeptical as to why she came over to talk to us. I was not sure if she was trying to be friendly or is she was making fun of us. I will never know and that kind of bothers me. I really hope they were just curious as to where we were from. Whatever. At around 2:45 we called a taxi before it got busy. The place closed at three and we didn't want to have to wait forever for a taxi. Once back at our rooms, Brian wanted some garlic bread so I made put some in the oven. While we waited for it we watched an episode of HIMYM. Once the garlic bread was done we ate it and then Brian headed back to his flat to sleep. I changed and then headed to sleep myself. Overall it was a fun night!

Day 108

Today I got woken up by a leaf blower at nine. I had no idea why they were blowing leaves because it was wet outside. How do you blow leaves when they are wet? I tried to go back to sleep, but there was no hope so I had breakfast, watched HIMYM and then went downstairs to meet Marieta and go to the gym. After the gym we came back had lunch and then I showered. Marieta went to work and then I watched some more HIMYM and sorted out paperwork that I printed off at the library. I was supposed to go out with my mates, but I was just not in the mood to go out so I decided to stay in. I went over to see Brian for a bit and then we walked over to get pizza. Well actually Brian just came for the walk and I ordered pizza. We both got beer. I had a beer and ate pizza at Brian's and then headed back to my room because Brian had to get work done. I continued watching some more HIMYM and then went to bed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 107

Slept until two today since I got in really late last night. When I got up, I heard the ice cream man. Let me tell you that the ice cream man music hear is much different than the one at home. Here is sounds like creepy horror movie ice cream music, with scary clowns. It is not a truck that I would want to buy ice cream from. Anyway, I then went downstairs to hang out with Marieta before she had to go to work. We had some lunch and then we both walked into town together. She parted for work and I went to the library to print more things off. After the library I headed to the gym. When I finished at the gym I walked back to my room to eat some food, shower and put some laundry in. Then I watched some more HIMYM. After a couple of episodes I headed over to Tom's flat and hung out with everyone over there for a bit. When I got back to my flat I skyped with my mom and then headed off to bed.

Day 106

Today I slept until about 11:30. I got ready and then headed downstairs as Marieta and myself were going to the gym together. We had a good workout. After that we came back and had some lunch. Then Marieta had to get ready for work, and I headed upstairs to shower and watch some more HIMYM. At around seven I met up with Steph and Chloe and we headed to the O2 Academy as tonight we were going to see Chase and Status live! It was different than every other time I went out with everyone because this was like an actually event. I had a blast! It was so much fun. Afterwards we walked back and then I headed over to the Eldon to meet up with everyone else. When the the bar was closing everyone was going to another bar called Burbon. I was planning on going to bed, but I decided to go out. I didn't get in until about five in the morning, but I didn't care. It was a fun night and I am glad I went out with everyone.

Day 105

Woke up around 5:45 to get dressed and meet up with the twins and Brian to take Valentina to the train station. We all said goodbye to her as she left to head back to Bulgaria to hopefully get her green card. When I got back to my room I hopped back into bed and went back to sleep for another couple of hours. When I got up I had some breakfast and then met up with Marieat. We went into town to get her some work clothes and then looked around in some shops before she had to go to work. After she left I stopped by Morrisons to pick up some things that I needed. I then walked back, had some lunch and then watched an episode of HIMYM. After that I headed back into town to go to the gym, but it was closed since it was a bank holiday today. I should have figured. Instead, I went to the library to print some things off and then headed back to my room to watch some more episodes of HIMYM. Later that night Brian and I headed down to see Marieta as today was the first day of work for her and the first day without her sister. She was upset, but she was holding in there. After that I headed upstairs to get some sleep.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 104

During the middle of the night I caught Marieta smiling in her sleep and then she stroked my arm and then that was it. I asked her in the morning what she dreamt about, but she said she didn't remember. I then told her what she did and she laughed.
We woke up around twelve with the twins. Brian left around ten to get some things done. Then I went upstairs and did nothing all day once again. It was another crappy day out. I watched HIMYM once again. Then I went downstairs to bake another cake. This time I was determined to get it right. Of course the measurements through me off, but I solved that with the Internet. It still didn't seem like cake batter mix so we decided we would try cookies. Of course the cookies tasted like cake, but it was a little better than last time. After that we made some dinner. Brian was on cooking duty and made us tacos. They were delicious. After that we watched a movie. The twins had never seen the whole Dark Night so we watched that. We were bored so we decided to go to the Eldon for one beer. This was going to be our last beer with Valentina as she is leaving tomorrow for Bulgaria. She is going back to do interviews and paperwork to hopefully get her green card! After we finished we all headed back to bed as we were all getting up early to see Valentina off.

Day 103

Today I slept in. It was amazing. It was another cloudy and chilly day out. I basically just stayed in and watched How I Met Your Mother. I skyped with my mom and grandparents as the family was over celebrating Cheryl's birthday. I later skyped with Aunt Maria, Uncle Mike and Richie. They told me how nice it was outside and Cheryl even went to the beach. Ugh! I am so jealous. Anyway, after that I went downstairs to hang out with Brian and the twins. We then decided to go to the Eldon for some drinks. It was really funny because some Irish guy came over and began chatting with Marieta. He was quite drunk. We told him politely to leave. Later when Marieta and Brian were getting drinks at the bar he came back and began chatting with Valentina. He realized we were not interested and asked Valentina if she wanted him to F off. She said yes please and then he flipped her the finger as her walked away. I don't understand why he did that because he was the one asking us if we wanted him to leave. Whatever. After that the twins started dancing and all the guys began to look. Of course I get embarrassed because I am not one to be the center of attention, but the twins don't care. And Brian just loves it because all the guys are envious that he is in the bar with three hot girls. Haha. It was a fun night and we had a lot of laughs. We then headed back and decided to have a slumber party together. For some odd reason I had an extra mattress in my flat so Brian helped me bring that down to the twins and we set it up. We then decided to watch a scary movie. It was called The Collector and was pretty good. After the movie we all snuggled in and fell asleep. Marieta and I on her bed and Brian and Valentina on the mattress on the floor. It was nice.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 102

Last night was AWESOME! Everyone had a blast, especially Brian. He was dancing and singing all night. By the end of the night my feet and my knee were killing me due to the fact that I was wearing heels. So, while we were waiting for the taxi I sat down at the bus stop. Next to me were two guys and two girls. I started talking to the guy next to me and he picked up on the fact that I was from New York. He liked my accent. lol We began talking about our nights. He shared with me that his friend was into that girl and of course the girl had a friend that he was supposed to entertain for his friend. I didn't mean to but I began to laugh. It was just funny because the guy talking to me was not interested in the friend what so ever. We laughed and chatted for the five minutes I was there. There was no awkward silence or anything. He was easy to talk to and it was just a nice moment. It was one of those moments that you will never forget. It will be a perfect moment forever. When the taxi I arrived we shook hands and said nice to meet you and then I left. I have no idea what is name is or where he studies and all he knows about me is that I am from New York. I will never see him again. It just makes me wonder why we meet certain. I mean I am never going to see him again, but it would be interesting to know why at that point and time I met this guy. Oh well.
Anyway, I woke up around noon today and looked back at all the pictures taken from last night. There was so many and they were all great. I received a text from Brian thanking me for last night as he said he had an awesome birthday and loved the place we went to. After that I finished watching the first season of How I Met Your Mother and then I got dressed and went to the gym. When I got back I showered, had dinner and then went downstairs to hang out with Brian and the twins. At around eleven I came up and got some sleep because I was exhausted from the past two nights.

Day 101

The foam party was AWESOME! I have never been to one and I have always wanted to go. I am so glad I did because it was so much fun. There was foam every where and everyone was soaking wet. It was a blast! Before I headed to bed I skyped with my friend from school.
I slept until about two as I didn't get to sleep until five. I needed to catch up on some sleep anyway. After I got up I got dressed and began to make my way into town as today was Brian's birthday and I had to pick up stuff to make a cake. It was already late and then started to rain so I just went to the little convenient store Tesco to pick up what I needed. When I got back I went straight to Valentina's to start making the cake. Now at Tescos there was no cake mix in a box so I had to get the flour and everything and we had to make it from scratch. Now I don't mind doing that, but it was already three and we had dinner reservations at 6:30 and I still had to shower and stuff. Anyway, we began to make the cake, which was quite hard to do as the measuring system here is completely different than at home and we didn't have a measure cup. So, we looked a recipe up on line and basically guesstimated the whole thing. We had no idea how much of what was supposed to go in so we were just putting a little of this and a little of that. Once, the batter was done it seemed right and tasted pretty good. So we poured the cake in the pan and stuck it in the oven. Then I get a call from Brian because he wanted to get a beer at the Eldon since it was his birthday. Now is was around four and I still had not showered, but I could not deny him this because it was his birthday. So, a bunch of us went to the Eldon and had a beer. Brian left around five to go skype with his family and I didn't leave that much after him. Before I went to shower I stopped at Valentina's to check out the cake. It was done and was not looking to great. There were all these cracks in the top and it just looked ugly. I poured the vanilla icing on top hoping that it would cover it up and make it look pretty. but nothing. This chocolate cake was hopeless.
I ran upstairs to hurry up and shower. I took a quick shower and then got dressed, did my hair and all that jazz. I then hurried downstairs as Brian and Valentina were waiting to call the taxi. Of course it was raining out, otherwise we would have walked to the place. We got in the taxi and headed off to dinner as everyone else was setting up Brian's kitchen for when we got back. He knew there was going to be a party in there so it was not a surprise.
At dinner it was just Brian, Valentina and myself as Marieta had to go be trained for a possible job. It would have been nice for her to have been there with us, but we knew that she needed to go to see if she could get the job. Either way dinner was delicious and it was nice to actually go out to an actual restaurant. Once, we finished dinner we headed back to Brian's flat and got the party started. No one was there yet, but people began to arrive.
The kitchen was decorated with happy birthday signs and balloons. It came out nice. I stuck the cake and the card that everyone had to sign in the cabinet in the kitchen before Brian was allowed to go in. I also gave Brian his gift. It was just a little something. I got him a little bottle of Jake Daniels, as that is his favorite and a shot glass with sheep all over it because that is an inside joke. He loved it. While waiting or everyone to arrive we began to play beer pong.
At around 9:30 a majority of the people were there and I needed everyone to sign the card. So, when Brian went to go to the bathroom I got the card. I was holding it up and waving it around asking who didn't sign the card. As I was doing this I was turning around and when I came to face the door Brian was standing right there. I just looked at him and stopped speaking mid word of Card and then we both just started hysterical laughing. Apparently, as I went to grab the card and ask who didn't sign it someone called Brian's name and he came back in to see what was up. Go figure! I was such a funny moment. Well, he know knew he had a card so we just passed it around and everyone singed it while he was in the kitchen. Haha
Before we left to go out Valentina and myself bought out the cake and everyone sang happy birthday! The caked looked nice lit up in the dark, but of course it was pretty terrible as the girls were very honest about it. Valentina and I both knew it was probably going to be bad so we did not take it to heart. After cake and everything, we called taxis and headed out to the club. It was called Oceana and I was there last night for the foam party. Brian didn't really care were we went out. It was a battle between Oceana and Mint. Now, Brian and I went to Mint one other night and it was quite small. I enjoyed it though cause it was my kind of music, but I could tell that Brian hated it. I knew that if we went back there tonight he would not have fun, so I told everyone we were going to goto Oceana instead. At first everyone was hesitant, but they came out anyway and had a blast. I didn't care if they liked it or not because it was Brians birthday and I knew he would like this place better than mint.

Day 100

I can't believe I have been here for a hundred days. Sometimes it feels longer and sometimes it feels shorter, but it all depends on the day.
Today I got up around eight because I was handing in my paper today and I had to finish up the bibliography and stuff. I got dressed, had some breakfast and then headed off to the library to finish up. By the time I revised it and everything it was about 11:30 and it was due by 12. I printed it off, which I had to wait on line to do, but after that I headed over to hand it in. I put it in a plastic folder, and handed it in! I am done with my assignments! For now at least. I still have two exams, but those are on the 14th and the 19th, so I have some time to relax. After I handed it in I went to the gym and then headed back to my room to eat and shower. Tatiana was talking about to a foam party and I was really excited to go. Later on she said that she could not go because her parents didn't wire her money and didn't know who else was going so I accepted the fact that I was no going. So, I hung around with Brian, the twins and everyone else. Then Ash texted me to ask me if I was going to the foam party. I had no idea he was going and when I knew that I was so in! I got dressed and got ready to go to the foam party!