Tuesday, January 19, 2010

England Day 1

Today was a long day of traveling. I left on Monday at 6:35pm and didn't arrive at Leeds Met until about 2. Mt second flight got relocated to land at another airport due to the fog at Leeds Bradford Airport. Once landed everyone from the flight got bused over to Leeds Bradford and then I departed from there. It was not that bad though because I made a friend during the bus ride and it turned out the he is studying here as well and he lives in the building right next to me. We both felt relieved that we had someone to travel with.
His name is Brian and he is from Indiana I believe. He goes to school at Perdue. It is his first time out of the country and traveling on his own. He is studying landscape architecture. It was certainly nice to have his company for the extra traveling hours. Tomorrow we are going to go explore around town together, which should be fun.
The first flight was long and towards the last hour and a half I became antsy and bored. The guy next to me was named John and he was going to Amsterdam to visit a friend of his. He has family here and Leeds and said it is a very nice place. He is nurse in the city and was very nice to chat with.
During the flight everyone had a little tv screen in front of them, so to pass by time I watched Angels and Demons, which is the sequel to The DaVinci Code. It was longer than normal movies, but I enjoyed it. I then got served dinner. I had a choice of fish or chicken and of course I took the chicken. It came with mashed potatoes, corn, a roll, some bean salad that was not to tasty, and a piece of chocolate cake for dessert. After I finished eating I finished the movie and then attempted to sleep. I must of slept for about an hour not even. I was all for going back to sleep but this guy in the row next to us was cutting an apple with a knife and it was really annoying. It sounded like someone was scratching their beard over and over. I don't know why, but that sound really annoyed me and that's all that I could hear, so that was the end of going back to sleep. Then we got served breakfast. I felt like I just ate dinner, which I sort of did. For breakfast we got served orange juice, yogurt, and a muffin. I just ate the yogurt and saved the muffin, which I just ate. haha Once the plane landed I went straight over to my connecting gate and waited.
We bored on time and everything went smoothly besides the landed part. That was quite annoying, but what can you do. After going through customs, which was not a hassle at all, I met Brian and we traveled the rest of the way together.
It was very weird because everything is opposite with driving. I thought we were entering the wrong way on the highway and freaked out a bit, but then remember that it's normal. Once at the Bradford airport me and Brian got something to eat quick and then headed over to the taxi service. Let me tell you that the roads are really narrow and our taxi driver was a little crazy. It was kind of nerve wrecking.
We arrived at Leeds Met in one piece, picked up our keys and headed to our rooms. Of course I had to climb two flights of stairs with all my luggage. I couldn't figure out how to use the key because it is not a regular key. It is a round little electrical device that you swipe. Anyway, I finally figured it out and got into my flat(apartment). There is a long hallway with three doors on the left and two doors on the right. Mine is the first one on the left when you walk in. I was nervous to knock on my roommates doors so I just went into my room and began unpacking. I heard doors opening and closing so I opened my door to find to guys in the room across from me talking. I said hi and then just kind of looked at me like I had four heads ad continued on with their conversation. So I know that I live with two guys and I am almost certain I live with another and then one girl, but I am not to sure yet as I have still not met any of them. I am really nervous to introduce myself. I know I should just do it, but it's 10:15 and I think they went out. Plus I am about to go to bed. I guess I will just meet them tomorrow.
I am not used to living in a single and it bothers me. It is too quite. I have no tv, no phone, and no other person to talk with. Even when my roommates are here they are in their rooms with music on and their doors shut. I am really out of my comfort zone and it is going to take a while to get used to. The one cool thing is that they do blast some good music, so it's not so quite all the time.
Well tomorrow is another day and hopefully it will go by somewhat quickly so I am not sitting here in this room by myself with my thoughts.


Mom said...

So happy I'm the first one to comment - your #1 fan, "MOMMA"!!!!
I am so relieved that you made the journey safely. I can't wait to Skype, as I need to see and hear you - probably tomorrow - as I'm sure you are sleeping by now! I'm so proud of you!! Miss you and love you lots! xx00xx00xx00 Mom

Aunt Maria/Uncle Mike said...

Glad to hear that you arrived safely. We know the first day is weird but we are glad that you made a friend already. We love you and miss you. Richie sends a big kiss. If you need anything just let us know. We will keep in touch.

kim-n-keith said...

Glad you made it there ok. have lots of shopping tours. So if me momma fetky and cheryl come you know the good bargin spots. I hope you enjoy your classes when they start and your roomates wth weridos lol tomorrow be like HOLA!! ok well ttys love ya *kim- bunn*

Dawno said...

Shelliiiiii! I'm glad you made it there okay and that customs was not a hassle, ANDD that you already made a friend! yay! hahaha. Go talk to your roomies and blast your music, show them how you do it!!! lol talk to you soon. love you muchoooo <3

Jackie said...

Great to hear you are settling in England. Enjoy your semester. I am sure it will be an adjustment - take one day at a time. Nice to have SKYPE available for you and your family. We look forward to hearing how you are doing through your blog.
Enjoy and stay safe.

Michelle said...

I'm glad that everyone is enjoying the blog. There is more to come each and everyday! Miss eveyrone!

Jackie said...

Sounds very exciting Michelle. Love reading your daily entries. GET YOURSELF A WATCH!!!!!!!

JFe said...


While reading your blog, I'm re-living Lauren's "semester abroad"--tears (only for the first two weeks, but many) and euphoria (oh, how I envy you) thereafter.

Much love always, Aunt Joanne xoxo

Uncle Willie said...

hi michelle. hope your settled in by now. don't forget to send me some pictures. study hard and have fun.

uncle willy

Aunt Maria/Uncle Mike said...

Hi Michelle, we miss you and love reading your blog everyday. So glad you're making friends. 3 things...what's the weather like, whats the photo that looks like a scarf, and which guy is Brian? Talk to you soon. Uncle Mike and Richie send big kisses. Love, Aunt Maria

Uncle Willie said...

Hi Michelle:

Happy belated Valentines day. Hope you're having fun.


Uncle willy