Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 12

Slept until about one today and didn’t actually start my day until around 2:30. I was semi productive though. The biggest task of the day was Morrisons. I needed some things so I prepared myself for that trip. When we got there it was not too bad, but when we were ready to check out it was horrendous. It was so crowded and the lines were so long. I hate it. I guess I am just going to have to get used to it. We left Morrisons and then stopped at another store so Brian could pick up paper that he needed for one of his classes. After we headed back to my room to cook some food.
Brain was in charge of the garlic bread as I cooked the pasta. It was quite delicious if I do say so myself. The sauce was a little bland, but it was still good. After we finished eating we cleaned up and then watched some more episodes of Entourage. Brian fell asleep this time. Lol. I guess that would happen after you drink two red bulls. Those are so gross.
After watching Entourage Brian departed and we both got ready for the night. When we were done we met up and stopped by the liquor store. Turned out that no one was really going out so we just chilled inside and watched movies with some friends. We wound up watching Wrong Turn and Baby on Board. They were both movies I have never seen and were pretty good. After the movies were over I skyped with the family. Brian got introduced to most of the family, including grandma and grandpa.
All in all it was a good relaxing night and I am going to sleep and enjoy the day tomorrow. 

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