Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 7

Today was the first day of classes. I had Public Relations today. Tutorial was 1-2:30 and lecture was 4-5. I was not really sure why I had the tutorial first and then the lecture, but once the professor explained it made total sense. When I come in next week the tutorial class is for discussing the last lecture that we had. I actually like the fact that they have modules set up this way. I think it will work better for me.
After the tutorial ended I had some time so I tried to switch out of Management Accounting, but the woman that someone told me to talk to the other day is apparently out on leave, due to the fact that she is pregnant, just my luck. So they guy at the desk told me to call admissions and talk to them. Oh yeah, they have phones at the desks for students to us to, which I think is pretty cool. I called admissions and the guy said that he couldn’t see my timetable due to the fact that I have a hold on my account. That made me annoyed because now I have to take care of that before I can switch out of this class, which is tomorrow. Nothing is ever easy, never.
I walked to my place since I had some time in between classes. Had a little snack for lunch and checked my e-mails. After I headed back into town for my last class. It was in a lecture hall. I’m not really used to being in that size lecture, but other than that it was fine. My class ended at 5, it was only an hour, and then I headed to Morrison’s to get pick up some things to make dinner. The lines were literally down the aisles. I am not even joking. So I basically walked in and out of the store. I really do hate Morrison’s. So I went to a little convenient store and got something there along with a couple other things.
Dinner involved chicken with broccoli, which was not so bad since it was pre-made. After dinner I skyped with a whole bunch of friends and family from home and then I went over to Brians and we watched entourage. Tomorrow is my longest day and should be interesting. I must say that it is hard going to school when you know absolutely no one. I do miss my little campus and having the same people in each of my classes.

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