Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 4

Sorry I didn’t get this up for the morning, but last night was pretty crazy and I didn’t get in until 4ish. I’m starting from the beginning though.
It rained buckets today. I got to wear all of my rain gear; raincoat, boots, and umbrella. I felt like Inspector Gadget in my raincoat, but it kept me dry. After Brian got out of his orientation we headed into to town to get tickets for our trip to York tomorrow. It’s free so we decided it would be fun to go. Hahaha. While we were there I got my student ID card. I know have another bad looking picture of me to add to my collection. I my raincoat on and my hair is wet due to the combination of me just getting out of the shower and it raining. After that we headed over to the phone store and purchased ourselves some phones. They are not international though. I figured it would be better to just get a local phone and be able to contact with everyone here because if I ever get lost they are going to be the ones I call for help. Lol. Of course the guy that helped us was hard to understand and I had to concentrate to understand what he was saying. Luke laughed at me lasted night because he witnessed the concentration face I had. I hope I didn’t have that face on in the store. Oh well.
After getting our phones we went to Wilkinson’s, which is a type of CVS, and I got some supplies for school and to hang things up on my wall. I now regret getting the double-sided tap because it is crap. The pictures keep falling of my wall.
After Wilkinson’s we went to my favorite store…Morrison’s (ugh) because Brian wanted cereal. He got Frosties, also know as Frosted Flakes lol. Some of the things they have over here are hilarious. Brian and myself then headed back to warm up.
Brian came over around 7 and he was on youtube as I stood staring at my closet wonder what to wear, not that I have much to choose from. Slim pickings. The only downfall to living with guys and not hanging around with any girls is that I can’t ask them what I should wear because they really don’t care. So getting dressed was a little difficult last night not having my roomies from home telling what looks good. Brian solved the problem by flipping a coin. Lol Not the best, but I guess it will have to do. When I was all ready we headed over to building A to hang out with some people before going out. I though about my sister because I was talking to a couple of French guys and they were speaking French to each other. Oh, I got some cell phone numbers because I now have a phone, but it only calls locally. It was very exciting when I received my first text. I’m sure you can guess whom it was from. Hahah
Everyone got their coats and we headed down the block to a club called Halo. It was in this old church, which had stained glass windows and everything. It was really fun. They played a lot of hip-hop and R&B instead of techno. We tried to meet up with my roommates who were heading to another club, but that didn’t really work out so we just stayed where we were and danced the night away. Brian has some good dance moves. Hahahahaha
Around 3, we left the club and got something to eat since I didn’t eat much for dinner and then went home. I skyped with home for a little and then went to bed as I had to be up early to go on the trip to York.

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